Chapter 14

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Lena's POV
This was the end as I knew it. I suppose we shouldn't have done our assignment based off of mental illnesses in the first place, that's the reason we're in this mess.

I calmed down slightly, accepting what lay before me, my own death staring me right in the eyes.

"It shouldn't hurt.. Too badly." Ricky mumbles, a devilish grin spread across his chapped lips. I shut my eyes tightly, only to hear words that I couldn't understand. I assumed Latin or some other language that I was never taught. I could only make out a few words that they had oddly slurred in English. My eyes squinted open and I turned to see my best friend strapped down as well, I felt awful as the realize that I couldn't do anything hit me. I was hoping that we'd be able to grow up together, share out first apartment together and make so many good memories together. A few tears shed from my eyes thinking of all the possibilities that our own lives could have become.

"Devil beneath us, grant us the freedom we desperately desire. Take these two virgin souls into your possession and fill our veins with black blood. We sacrifice these young ladies to you, in return shower us with the power we truly deserve. We beg of you, Lord of the Underworld." They all spoke at once, perfectly in unison. With every word, more chills were sent tingling down my spine.

"Mmmm, nnn, m-mm." I could hear Addie struggling to stop them, or at least try to distract them.

"Silence." Trevor shot her a painful look, his voice was as deep as it could go. As deep as I'd ever hears leave a man's mouth. I closed my eyes, awaiting for some sort of demon like creature to pull me into the dark abyss that is hell.

"Mmmm, nnhg. Mm!" Addison's words were a mess and unable to make out. I decided to try as well, at least if we couldn't stop them, we'd be able to get them to pay attention to us for a few minutes. After only seconds of trying to get their attention, it finally worked. Kian walked to Addison and ripped the cloth out of her mouth.

"What do you want, you bitch!" He yelled, his voice was deep as well. I could see that he was in a rush to hear whatever she had to say. While I was paying attention to Addie and Kian, Sam came and ripped the cloth out of my own mouth.

"What the fuck do you want!" He sounded angry and also in a rush.

"You need to listen to me," I started, trying my best to quickly decide what I would say next. "What's the point of sacrificing us? What if it doesn't work? Then what will happen to us?" I asked him, awaiting an answer.

"It will work. If it doesn't then we'll simply keep you here with us, after all who will believe two crazy women claiming to have been tied up and almost given to the Lord of the underworld himself? No one's going to beleive you." He sounded proud with what he had said, as if he had won something. I took a deep breath and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Do you not understand what you will be doing? You've destroyed your family's lives, so why would you want to take away ours! What did we ever do to you people! Honestly, please inform me. Why us? Fuck." He stays silent for a minute, thinking of a response.

"How did you know about my family?" He asks back, desperate for a quick answer.

"Your poor little brother. You fucking disgust me, y'know that? Its repulsive, the things that you've taken from him. He could have grown up to be something amazing, but you took that away. You dick." I look away from him, unable to keep my thoughts straight. It was true, he did disgust me. It was to a point where I felt sorry for him, he doesn't even realize how awful he truly is.

"Shut up." He spits back. "I chose to do those things on my own account." He insists. Was he proud to have done those things?

"No you fucking didn't. That bitch over there did," I forwarded it towards Mackenzie, "you simply followed what she told you to do, didn't you? Like I said, you disgust me." I could tell that I had hit him hard that time. He knew it was true, he didn't choose to do that. Mackenzie did. He looked me in the eyes once again. I finally got through to him. I glanced over at Addie and Kian, it seemed she had done the same thing. "You don't have to do this." I said in a near whisper. He closed his eyes, thinking of what he needed to do in this exact moment. He realistically had only 2 choice, I had begged that he would choose the right one.

"I'm sorry." He told me. I sighed, assuming I knew what he had chosen. To my surprise he grabbed the strap that was holding my arms down and pulled it off. My arms now free, I sat up and breathed out, relieved that he had made the right choice.


Hello! Sorry I haven't updated in a while!

More updates coming soon! :)

Love you guys!


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