Chapter 6

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Lena's POV
Addison and I both decided to take a break from the asylum for a while, after all we were both slightly frightened by that place. Rather then going back that week, we decided to go the following week.

"You ready?" Addie and I were hanging out Wednesday night.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, throwing my sweater over my head. We head out, this time being much more risky. Our parents didn't know we had left this time. It had gotten pretty late and both of our parents would have never let us out on a school night. I wasn't 100% sure why, we were normally responsible.

"If we get caught, we're totally fucked." My best friend states, making the nerves ache more than they already did.

"I'm aware." I roll my eyes, hoping to God that we don't get caught sneaking out. We made our way to the asylum, I'd assume it would still be open for visits. It was realistically only 9:40PM, the only reason our parents weren't awake was because they both had work the following morning. We arrived at the old building and immediately knocked on the door. Ignoring the fact thatwe were about to go into the place that scared us the most. Addison claimed to have seen some demonic monster that was originally Mrs. Hembrook. I truly had no idea what she was talking about though, I had no choice but to believe her though. I trust what she saw was some kind of evil, for some reason I believed in things like that. The paranormal scared me, yet I was always interested by it.

"Good evening ladies." The woman answered the door, remembering exactly who we were. She sounded ecstatic to have us there, that made my stomach do turns. She pulled us in, standing much too close to the both of us. I stood there impatiently waiting for her to set up another meeting with the boys or something. "Unfortunately, since we weren't expecting you both, you'll have to excuse me for a moment or two. I have to consult with our patients here." She spoke sincerely. After explaining the situation to us, she oddly let us take a seat in the main room. I didn't understand why she'd let us that close to so many residents at once. Addie and I looked at one another, twisted expressions on out faces.

"Why would she let us in here alone...?" Addie whispered. I looked around, noticing for myself that there were no longer security guards in here.

The chills instantly kicked in.

"Shit." I whispered back, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my sweater. Addison nodded and looked around, eye in each and everyone of the sick people in the room. I swore I beard one of them growl at us! At that moment, I realized that the 6 boys were in the room with us. My throat closed over and my lungs hitched, causing difficulty breathing.

"Dude, lo-" I cut Addie off.

"I know." The moment we started to examine the boys, they looked over at us. Devious grins and smirks crossing their lips. All 12 eyes staring us down, I suddenly couldn't seem to move. Judging my Addison's expression, she couldn't either. "Damnit." I whimper as they all glide over to us, sitting on the old couch that the both of us were sitting on. I was really hoping that some guards would walk in.

They didn't.

"What are you ladies doing here?" Kian grins. There was something about the way he said ladies made me extremely uncomfortable. We both sat in silence. The guys had seemed to have completely changed from the last time we had seem them. Jc slid his arm around Addison, and she awkwardly shifted positions. Now that I think about it, Jc hadn't told us what his disorder was. I ignored the curiosity and kept an eye on the flirtatious gentlemen surrounding us.

"C-could you leave us alone?" Us girls stuttered, glaring at them. They all sent ominous smiles back, my stomach flipped again.

"You wouldn't really want to upset us, would you?" Sam drearily spoke up, I was surprised by his sudden voice joining the ongoing, uncomfortable, conversation. The boys however didn't look taken back at all, perhaps they had heard his voice frequent enough to know that this shouldn't have come a surprise to me.

"We aren't trying to upset you." Addison's attitude burst through her words, she frowned and gave them the nastiest stare. Now everyone else in the room was starting to notice us. Kian chuckled and placed his hand on Addies thigh, I don't think he realized that she was trying to be rude. "Get your hand off of me." She snarled, pulling out her bitchy side. Those boys didn't know what they were getting themselves into, but I don't think we did either.

Hey guys!

How are you all? :)

Love youuuuu


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