Chapter 7

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Addison's POV
Whether they liked it or not, I was going to be the sassiest I could. I was not in the mood to take shit from anybody. I stand up for myself, no matter what.

"Where did Mrs. Hembrook go?.." Lena leans close to my ear and whispers. I shrug me shoulders, wondering that same thing. Was she not supposed to 'be right back'?

"We don't like whispering," Kian growled, "So you're going to have to repeat what you two are hiding." His voice was cold. If he wants to talk to us that way, then I'll fight right back.

"We were talking about how you're all dicks and about how we can't wait to leave. Actually, now that I think about it. Why are we still here?" I hiss, he just gives me a cocky smirk.

Cheeky Bitch.

"You're still here because we aren't ready to let you go yet. We still have a few things to show you." Trevor butts into the conversation. I rolled my eyes and looked directly at Lena. We were going to get out of here, I didn't care if they wanted us to leave or not. As a matter of fact, I could care less. I stood up immediately and grabbed L's hand, pulling her up with me.

"Let's go." I mutter, dragging her to the entrance of the main room. I consider this encounter, harassment. As I reach the doorway I feel a strong hand grip my forearm and rip me back. I groan from the pain of what felt like my arm being dislocated.

"I told you. We aren't ready for you to leave." Trevor smiles hugely. Why the hell were they so eager to keep us here? I can see Connor lift his hand out of the corner of my eye, it catches my attention so my instinct is to look at him. He points to the door and it slams shut, without anyone there to close it in the first place.

I burst into laughter.

I now know that this is some sort of joke, probably set up by our English teacher and Mrs. Hembrook. If that even was her real name, who knows what's real anymore.

"Something funny?" Sam's voice is sad, but rude all at once.

"I can't believe you guys did this. You all fooled me pretty well," I continue to laugh, "Good job, I'm pretty hard to pull pranks on." That demon woman must have been a part of the joke as well. They all gave me confused looks and sent glances to one another. Relief washed over me as the conclusion hit that we weren't going to die, I assumed that they would let us go sooner or later.

"I don't think this is a joke..." Lena mumbles, keeping a sharp eye on all of them. I was positive it wasn't real, there is no way that the door could have closed on its own and there is no way in hell that the demon I claimed to have seen was real. It was all an illusion, thankfully.

"So when can we go?" I asked more politely, proud that I had figured the whole thing out.

"Not anytime soon." And with the ring of Ricky's voice, the lights go out. I had known that it wasn't something to worry about however my heart beat quickened.

"Get the fuck off of me you dirtbag!" Lena squeels, squirming around. Was this a joke?

"Lena! Are you alright?" I panic. She doesn't answer, only muffled curses filled the silent room. I had no doubt that she was in trouble, there's a fine line when we mess around. She knows not to joke about being scared, hurt, or kidnapped for that matter. My hands roam the space around me, I feel an arm move quickly then nothing. Back to the emptiness. Calming myself down, I daringly made the decision to walk around. Try and see is I could find Lena is this newly found trauma. "Lena?" I whisper-yelled. I desperately wanted to find her, but I couldn't risk myself being caught as well.

"Just me sweet heart." The sour sound of Trevor's voice rang through out my ears. I knew I was screwed. The horny bastard had an erectile disorder, how was I supposed to know what he could do?

"Where's my friend?!" I plead, running out of options. How do I escape? I thought to myself. Do I just run?

"With some of my.. Friends. She's fine. Don't worry." He informed me. Now I knew she needed help. I didn't trust a single word that came out of his mouth, how could I? I know he lied straight through his disgusting teeth. "Now, what are we going to do with you?" I could feel his grin growing. That bitch.

"Give. Her. Back." I spit, clenching my fists together, he was not going to get away with pulling this sort of shit with me.

"Let me ask you. What are you going to do if I don't?" He snickers. That's when I attack.


Hey beauties! We are so close to 100!

Come on guys I know you can do it!

I love youuuuuuu


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