Chapter 1

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Addison's POV

My alarm went off and I immediately sat up, not prepared for the dizzy feeling that hit me. I turned the alarm off and climbed out of bed, rubbing my eyes and letting out a small yawn. I took my time walling down the stairs, still barely awake.

"Good morning." My mom's voice was quiet, I groaned in response rather then say good morning back. She handed me a mug and I took a sip, enjoying the wonderful taste of my morning coffee. I sat on the couch next, flipping through channels. "I've got to go to work, sweetie. I'll be back around 6:30 tonight. Love you!" My mom rushed out of the house before I could speak. Before I even realized half an hour had gone by, I bolted up the stairs, throwing my outfit for the day on.

"Shit." I blurted out, scanning my room for my bag. The strap was peeking out from my closet, so I grabbed it and ran straight to the bathroom, doing my hair and makeup. I couldn't believe I had sat and did nothing for half an hour and hadn't realized, now I was probably going to be late. Everything was done and I sprinted out the door, catching the bus just in time. I'm 17, realistically I should have my own car by now. However my mom can't afford it, and the car she has barely runs. She's lucky enough she can make it to work without it breaking down.

The bus came to a stop, but that didn't stop the chattering students scattered around the bus. I roll my eyes as the bus door opens and everyone exits, meeting their groups on the field. I look around for my best friend Lena, hoping that she was here considering she had to walk.

"Addie!" I hear her voice shout, she runs up to me and we talk until the first bell rings.

"Good morning!" Our overly excited English teacher screeched, his voice annoying and loud. He went on for about 45 minutes, talking about something that I obviously hadn't been paying attention too.

"For fuck sakes just shut up..." I mumble to myself, knowing that he wouldn't hear me anyways. Did I not mention he was nearly deaf?

"Addison, why don't you answer?" Mr.Jones' called out to me. My head shot up and I looked around the room, everybody's eyes were on me.

"Uh," I stuttered not knowing what to say.

"Would you like me to repeat the question?" He gives me a frown, I nod and awkwardly avoid eye contact. "What are the key factors of a persuasive essay?" He asks. I sigh of relief, this was easy. I answered the question simply and he finally left me alone, I turn to Lena and see her giggling considering I got caught for not paying attention. "This semester, you will each write an essay on one of these three topics," he pauses to make sure everyone is listening, "Abstenance, Mental illness, or Animal abuse." I wasn't sure why he chose such random categories to choose from, it seemed as though he never really thought of it.

The bell rang and I was the first one out of the room, thankful to be away from the irritating teacher. I hadn't really thought about which topic to write about, I was starting to consider Animal abuse.

"I think I'm going to do Mental illness." Lena caught up with me, I nodded. I suppose I would do that too. Her and I always did the same thing, we were best friends after all.

"Same." I agree, she takes her phone and wallet out of her bag, handing me a 5 dollar bill. "Split a few slices of pizza?" I ask, she smiles and nods. We walked to the cafeteria and went in line, soon buying 2 slices of pizza, 1 for each of us. Before we know it the day ends, instead of taking the bus home I decide to walk home with Lena.

"So you're sure you want to do mental illness? After what Mr.Jones told us.." I asked, reconsidering the choice I had made. Earlier today before the day ended, Mr.Jones told us that we would have to actually visit a mental institution for the project. I thought he was insane, but for some reason the idea of going made me excited.

"Yeah, I mean I don't see the harm. They have guards there and stuff. I'm sure we'll be fine, besides he only said we'd have to go a few times." I take her points into consideration. She was right, I'm sure nothing could really happen between the few times we would actually have to be in the building. "We'll worry about it over the weekend when we actually have to go." She adds.

"What about our parents? How are we going to get them to sign the fucking sheet, allowing us to go?" I asked, finding another problem.

"Shit." She mumbles, realizing that our parents would never let us go.

"I guess we'll need to sign them ourselves." I suggested, kidding at first. That was until she gave me a small grin. I suppose it could work though, we'll just sign them ourselves. Hopefully our parents won't find out, or anybody else.

Hey guys! This is the first chapter!

I hope its all right, I know its boring so far but I swear it will get better!

I love you guys


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