Chapter 1

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Santana's POV

Thank God I have weekends off work, because there is no way I'd be able to go to work after everything that happened last night. It's all still burned into my mind: the screaming, Dani storming out of my apartment, crying myself to sleep. I keep glancing at my phone, waiting for a call or text or anything from Dani saying that it was all a mistake, that this doesn't have to mean the end of our relationship. Nothing. As much as it pains me to say this, Dani and I are through.

I never saw us ending like this- or, to be honest, ever. She was the person I trusted more than anyone else, the person I saw myself possibly spending the rest of my life with. We've had fights before, of course, but we'd never broken up. I've never thought of myself as weak, but right now, I think I'm the closest to weak I've ever been.

"What's up with Santana?" I hear my roommate Kurt say through my bedroom door. "It's 9:30. Usually she's up by now."

Our other roommate, Rachel, says, "I have no idea. Maybe she's sleeping in. It is Saturday, after all." Kurt and Rachel both work late on Fridays, so they didn't get home until long after my fight with Dani.

"This is Santana we're talking about, Rach. Saturday or not, she's always up at the crack of dawn, banging on our doors and yelling at us to get up and seize the day before the day seizes us or something like that."

"True," says Rachel. "Maybe we should check in on her." Oh, no.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." It's really not, but keep telling yourself that, Hummel. "You're going in first, though. I am not dealing with Santana's wrath right now. It is too early in the morning for this."

"Oh, no no no, Kurt. We are going in together. If we're gonna invoke the wrath of Santana Lopez, we are doing it together."

"If you insist."

I decide to chime in. "Y'know, I can hear you guys," I say. "The walls aren't that thick. But you don't have to worry about my wrath, 'cuz I've got none to invoke. I'm pretty emotionally drained right now." For good measure, I add, "And no, that does not mean come in."

"What's wrong?" asks Rachel. "Did something happen between you and Dani last night? I know you guys hang out here on Friday nights 'cuz Kurt and I both have work and you get the apartment to yourselves."

"It's actually none of your business."

"Okay, they definitely had a fight," Kurt says to Rachel. "I'd even go as far as to say they broke up."

"You figured it out. Congratulations, Hummel. You want a medal or something?"

Kurt ignores my snide comment. "We're coming in, Santana. We are coming into your room, and we are getting you out of there. I don't care if Rachel and I have to literally drag you out of bed. If you wanna have a pity party, that's fine. But we are not gonna let you lie around and mope. Rachel and I have been through breakups too, Santana, and we will carry this burden with you. So what do you say?"

Reluctantly, I get up and emerge from my room. Rachel and Kurt look relieved that they didn't have to drag me out of bed.

"Thanks for that," I say. "I really needed that push. You guys are good friends."

"Of course," says Rachel. "You look like you need a hug, so c'mere." Normally I hate physical contact, but I'm feeling really raw right now, so this once I let Rachel hug me, and Kurt joins in too.

"I'm really grateful for you guys," I say, my voice cracking. "I don't know where I'd be without you. I feel like I don't tell you two enough how much you mean to me."

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