Chapter 11

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Kurt's POV
(two months later)

Blaine has been living with Rachel and I for about a week now. Living with Blaine has been amazing. I love being able to wake up with him every day. Living with Blaine and Rachel, though? A bit of an awkward third-wheel situation. It's rare that Blaine and I get any time alone these days, and when we do it doesn't last long. Rachel has actually walked in on the two of us mid-makeout multiple times. Yes, you read that correctly. Multiple times! You'd really think she'd learn her lesson after coming into our room unannounced the first time, but no. Like, hey Rachel, there's this new thing called knocking. Have you heard of it?

In any case, Blaine agrees that the Rachel situation is not ideal. "Kurt, I mean no disrespect to Rachel. She's a great woman, and I know she's your best friend and all. But this whole third-wheel thing we have going on? Not working."

"I couldn't agree more," I say. "We really need to do something about it. And fast. We're getting married in five days. Plus, I want to have some time alone with you, not alone with you and Rachel."

"What are we supposed to do? We can't kick her out; she lived here before I did."

"I can hear you guys!" says Rachel from the other side of the door. Once she comes in (this is the one of the few times I actually don't mind her letting herself into Blaine's and my room), she adds, "and I agree. I love both of you guys, and you're a lovely couple, but I don't love feeling like a third wheel. I also don't love walking in on you guys while you're making out."

"Well then maybe you should learn to knock," I mutter under my breath.

Rachel, seemingly not hearing me, continues, "So for that reason, I'll be moving in with Brody after you guys get married."

"Has Brody agreed to this yet?"

"I haven't brought it up to him yet, but I'm sure he will. Are you kidding? The guy's been wanting me to move in with him for months. I'm sure he won't mind waiting another five days."

I do not know how to feel about this. On one hand, Rachel is moving out. I'm finally going to have some time with just Blaine that doesn't involve being walked in on. On the other hand, she's not going to be moving out until after the wedding, so for the next five days Blaine and I will be stuck with the most annoying third wheel in the history of third wheels.

I sigh. This is gonna be the longest five days of my life.

(two days later)

"Hey Kurt, can I borrow your car?" Blaine asks me. "I don't want to get back in that thing after the birth incident, but I need to pick up my brother at the airport and I you know I don't have a car."

"You mean the Birthmobile? Heck no. I haven't even driven that thing since the incident, partially because I can't get the birth smell out of it. No way I am letting you pick up your brother in a car that still smells like someone gave birth in it. Just send him an Uber or something. By the way, we wouldn't be having this conversation if you'd just bought me a new car like you said you would. I've been forced to use public transportation like some common peasant."

"Okay, fine. I'll send an Uber. And about the car thing, I will get you a new one. Having the so-called Birthmobile around isn't doing us any good; you're not using it, and I can't even look at it without being reminded of the horrors of delivering a baby." He shudders at the thought, and I don't blame him. I was kind of grossed out by the situation too, if I'm being honest. Watching people give birth on medical dramas is one thing, but in real life? Ughh.

In an attempt to distract both Blaine and myself, I change the subject. "I can't wait to finally meet your brother," I say. "I feel like I should know his name when I meet him, though. What is it?"

"His name's Cooper."

Wait a minute. Cooper Anderson. Where have I heard that name before?

"YOUR BROTHER IS COOPER ANDERSON?!?!" Rachel chimes in. "As in, Criminal Minds Cooper Anderson? As in, Emmy-nominated actor Cooper Anderson?" Ah, that must be it. Criminal Minds is one of the few shows Rachel, Santana and I all like, so the three of us often watched it together.

"Yes, Rachel, because Blaine and the actor Cooper Anderson are the only people in the world with the last name Anderson. Not like it's a common name or anything," I say sarcastically. "It's probably just a coincidence that Blaine's brother is named Cooper Anderson. And that the actor Cooper Anderson looks weirdly like Blaine."

"Actually, Rachel is right," says Blaine. "Cooper Anderson from Criminal Minds is my brother. That's why I don't talk about my brother. My whole life, I've felt like I was living in his shadow, and that became even more true once he became famous. Whenever I mentioned to someone who my brother was, I wasn't Blaine to them anymore. I became Cooper Anderson's brother. So uh, yeah, that's why I don't like to talk about my brother."

"I see. Well, although I do think it's cool you have a famous brother, I understand you're more than your family ties."

"I second that," says Rachel.


Cooper has barely even been here for five minutes, and I'm already annoyed at the guy. He thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. I honestly don't know how Blaine survived growing up with him.

"I still don't quite understand why you came out to New York, little brother," he says to Blaine.

"To pursue my dream of being a Broadway actor. I thought you knew that."

"I've said it a million times, Blaine. Broadway is dead. Hollywood is where it's at." You've made a mistake saying that in front of Tony-nominated actress Rachel Berry, Cooper. I fully prepare myself for her to snap at him.

She doesn't. Rachel doesn't seem to have a problem with Cooper. In fact, she's absolutely starstruck by him. While the two of them are chatting, I pull Blaine aside.

"Blaine, can I just say, you are a saint. Your brother is the most entitled person I have ever met, and I've met myself. He's not going to be staying with us, right?"

Blaine doesn't say anything.


"He is, unfortunately," says Blaine. "I mentioned that we had a guest room, and he just insisted on staying with us. He doesn't like to stay in hotels, because of his fans."

"Ugh. As if dealing with Rachel as a third wheel wasn't bad enough, now we have a fourth wheel."

"Hang in there, babe. We're getting married in three days, then after that it'll be just us."

"I can't wait for that."

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