Chapter 8

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Kurt's POV

(roughly four months later)

"So what were you thinking for our wedding?"

"I'm gonna be real: I do not know. Did you have anything in mind?"

"No, not really," Blaine admits. Well, at least he's honest. "I was thinking, maybe since you were already planning Brittany's wedding, you could pick up where you left off and just use that for us?"

"God, no. That would be, like, the worst possible thing to do to Britt. Besides, I don't think a beach wedding would be fitting for us. I feel like an autumnal theme would be better."

"Yeah, for sure. So, an autumnal theme, and maybe we could do something low-key?"

"Low-key sounds good," I agree. "So were you thinking, like, fifty people?"

He looks at me like I've lost my mind. "Kurt, did you not just hear me say 'low-key?'"

"That is low-key, Blaine."

"Hardly. When I said 'low-key,' I meant just a few friends. Rachel and Santana of course, Brittany, Brody, Tina. And family, obviously. Maybe your dad could come from Wyoming?"

"Oh, he wouldn't miss our wedding for the world. What about your family?"

"I doubt my dad would come, but my mom would. And maybe my brother."

"Finally, I'm going to meet your mysterious brother you never talk about. Now, as for a venue..."

I'm cut off by a heavily pregnant Brittany coming into the apartment. "Hey Klaine. Is Santana home?"

What the- which of us is she talking to? "Klaine?" we say at the same time. Clearly Blaine is just as confused by the Klaine thing as I am.

"Yeah, Klaine. Kurt plus Blaine equals Klaine, duh. So is Santana home?"

"No, she's at work. She'll be home soon, though. In the meantime, though, you can hang out with us. We were just planning our wedding."

"Oh, nice! I could help, if you want."

"Sure," I say. "We were discussing a venue."

Blaine and I continue our conversation, Brittany occasionally chiming in. More often than not she isn't helpful, but I don't mind having her around. She's a bit like the little sister I never had.

All of a sudden, Brittany yells, "GUYS! MY WATER JUST BROKE!"

Blaine starts freaking out. "NOBODY PANIC!" I am not even gonna get into the irony of him saying that, but let it just be said that he was the only one panicking.

"I'll drive Britt to the hospital," I say. "Blaine, call Santana and tell her to meet us there."

"Got it."


Just under an hour later, Brittany, Blaine and I are still en route to the hospital.

"This traffic is really bad," I say. "I'm just hoping that we get you to the hospital soon, because if you give birth in my car that's gonna be a pain in the butt to clean."

"Yeah, I can only imagine," Blaine agrees.

"I have no idea what you just said, Kurt. I'm in too much pain to listen to you. But I think the baby's coming- OWWWW! Yep, she's definitely coming."

Oh, shoot. She's gonna give birth in my car. She is going to give birth in my car. 

The last thing I need right now is for Blaine to start yelling at me; of course, that's exactly what happens. "Kurt, pull over!"

"But my car-"

"Forget about your car! I'll buy you a new one! Just pull over so Brittany can give birth!"

"Can't we just wait until we get to the hospital? It's only gonna be another..." I pause to check the GPS. "Thirty minutes."

"Listen to Blaine and pull over. This baby wants out now."

Reluctantly, I pull over. Blaine and I get in the back with Brittany.

"Okay, Brittany," says Blaine. "Just relax, and whenever you're ready, start pushing."


Santana's POV

I'm driving to the hospital when my dash lights up with the words "Incoming Call from Lady Hummel 👸". Oh my God, is Britt okay?

"Talk to me, Hummel. Is Brittany okay?"

"She's fine," says Kurt. "I wish I could say the same for my car, though. The traffic on the way to the hospital was really bad and Britt went into labor before we got there, so we had to pull over and let her give birth. Blaine's delivering the baby."

I laugh just imagining that scene. "That should be interesting," I say. "Where are you guys? I'm asking mostly because my girlfriend is giving birth and I want to be there, but also because it sounds like I'm missing some quality entertainment."

"I'll send a pin."

"Actually, don't bother. I'm sure I won't have a hard time finding you. The scene you just described sounds pretty hard to miss."

"Fair enough." He hangs up, and sure enough, in just under a mile I see them. Or rather, I hear them.


I pull my car over near them. "No need to take over, Kurt," I say as I get out of my car. "I've got it from here."

"Santana? You heard me?"

"All of New York City heard you, Blaine. Now c'mon, Britt. One last push. You got this."

She pushes, and out comes the baby. "What now?"

"I think we should bring her to the hospital, now that the traffic's cleared up a little. I'll take you; I'm sure you've had enough of those two bozos."

"Hey!" Kurt and Blaine say at the same time.

"I said what I said, bozos. Now c'mon, Brittany. I'll help you into my car."

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