Epilogue, Part 2

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(This is the first Friendsgiving that Quinn comes to. To not confuse you, this takes place 4 years after the story; so basically, Beth is 14, Azalea is 4, Trinity is 2, Hepburn is 1, Tracy was born a few months ago, and Rachel is currently 7 months pregnant.)

Brittany's POV

The year Santana and I left New York City, we established a new tradition: Friendsgiving. Every other year, instead of going to see my family or Santana's for Thanksgiving, me and Santana have our New York friends over. This is going to be the second-ever Friendsgiving, and I can't wait for it.

New Message from: Blaine Anderson-Hummel

What time should we get to ur guys' for Friendsgiving?

"Hey, Santana?" I call to her from the kitchen.


"Blaine just texted me," I say. "He wants to know what time he and Kurt should get here for Friendsgiving."

"Two," says Santana, "but make sure he tells Lady Hummel 1:30. Kurt always takes the longest time getting ready."

You: 2 :)

Santana says to tell lady hummel 1:30 tho

I think shes referring to kurt but idk

Blaine Anderson-Hummel: Yea lol she means Kurt 😂 she refers to him as that, it's a thing

Blaine Anderson-Hummel: And ok cool!! See u at 2!

You: Cya :>

"Britt, how many do I need to set the table for?" Santana asks.

"Hmm, good question. There's us, Azalea, Kurt, Blaine, Hepburn, Tracy, Rachel, Brody, Tina, and her boyfriend. That's... eleven, I think? I dunno, I failed high school math."

"Make that fifteen." The voice is all too familiar. I turn to see my close friend and confidant, Quinn Fabray-Hart, her husband Joe, and her daughters Beth and Trinity.

"Oh my gosh, Quinn! It's great to see you. Are you here for Friendsgiving?"

"Yep," she says. "I saw your post about it, so I figured I'd come and surprise you, and Joe and the kids wanted to come with."

"Yeah, Beth and I wanted to meet the Brittany we'd heard so much about."

"You've heard about me?"

"Mhm," says Beth. "Mama used to say you were the only good thing to come out of her relationship with Sam."

Shortly after the Fabray-Hart clan's arrival, Rachel and Brody arrive. They would have come with Kurt and Blaine and Mike and Tina, but ever since I gave birth in Kurt's car he refuses to let pregnant people in it, even though Rachel's barely in the third trimester.

"Rachel, Brody, this is my good friend Quinn Fabray-Hart, her husband Joe, and her daughters Beth Puckerman-Fabray and Trinity Hart," I say. "Fabray-Harts, these are Rachel Berry and Brody Weston. Rachel was one of my neighbors back in New York, and Brody's her fiancé."

"Actually, these days it's Beth Fabray-Hart," Beth corrects me. "I had it legally changed. Joe's more of a father to me than my birth dad ever was."

"Aww, that's sweet."

The seven of us chat while waiting for the others to arrive. It's expected that they're not going to arrive on time, because of Kurt's tendency to be fashionably late, but when it's three and they're still not here, I start to get concerned. Is everything okay?

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