Chapter 5

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Kurt's POV

Not too long after Brittany leaves, I get a text.

New Message from: blainie 💕

Can u come to my place tonight? It's kind of important

You: of course! i'll be there at around 8. ly babe

blainie 💕: Ily2. See u then!

"Who are you texting?" asks Santana. "Wait, don't tell me. Blaine."

"Yep. I'm going to see him tonight. He says it's kind of important."

"Did he say anything else?" Rachel asks.

"No, that was it. I don't understand what he means by 'kind of important,' though. Either it's important or it isn't." Suddenly, it dawns on me what it might be. "Oh my gosh, do you think he..." I don't even have to finish that sentence for Rachel and Santana to know exactly what I mean.

"You never know, he might," says Rachel. "You guys have been together for five years, and I just can't imagine a scenario where you break up."

"Yeah, it's pretty likely," adds Santana. "Although, considering the fact that Britt just called off her engagement, the timing of this all would be very ironic."

"I don't know if he's going to or not, but it would be awesome if he did. Anyway, I should probably start getting ready if I want to get to his apartment by 8. You know I always take forever to get ready."

Santana rolls her eyes. "That's cuz you're a total diva, Kurt."

"I am not... gonna argue with that, because I know you're right."

"I know I am too."

Blaine and his roommate, Tina, live only a few blocks from me, so it's a short walk from my building to theirs. The walk feels longer than usual today, though, because the whole time my mind is racing. You're probably just getting your hopes up for nothing, Kurt. He's not gonna propose. But what if he does?

Finally I get there, after what feels like an eternity. Blaine answers the door.

"Kurt," he says. "It's always great to see you."

"It's good to see you too." The definition of an understatement. Every time I see Blaine, it's like the first time. I fall in love all over again. "Uh, is Tina home?"

"You know she rarely is. But uh, yeah, it's just us. The reason you're here... this is all gonna make sense in a second, but it being just the two of us is kinda how I always saw this going."

"I see." I come in and make myself comfortable. "So what is it exactly that you invited me over here for? You said it was kind of important."

"Oh. Right. Well, you see, this is actually something I've been wanting to say to you since we first met. Since before that, even, when I first laid eyes on you and knew that by knowing you I would fulfill my life's purpose. From then on, I've just been waiting for the right moment and the right words to tell you this, and now I finally have those, so here goes nothing. You're more than just my boyfriend, Kurt. You're my best friend. My soulmate. The person who I'd take a bullet for, and who I know would do the same to me. You're my everything. I don't know what I'd do without you, and I hope I never find out. I'd love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you, so Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Oh my gosh, he proposed. He actually proposed. "I- I don't know what to say."

"'Yes' would be nice."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll marry you. Blaine, the past five years in which we've dated have been the best years of my life, so being with you for the rest of it would be nothing short of amazing."

Blaine lets out a sigh of relief. "I was really hoping you'd say something like that, Kurt. I have been stressing about this all day. All week, even. Tina must have heard my proposal speech at least a thousand times; I wouldn't be surprised if she has it memorized by now. I was worried this wasn't enough, too. Maybe I should have recreated our first date or something-"

"Blaine. Angel. Light of my life. The way you overthink everything is adorable, but you need to stop and take a breath for a second, okay? Everything is perfect. You're perfect. And I can't wait to be married to you."


When I get home the next day, I'm not surprised to see Brittany hanging out with Santana and Rachel. Brittany's practically never not at our apartment these days. However, I'm more surprised to see Rachel's boyfriend Brody. He doesn't come by that often, by which I mean the only time I've ever seen him was that one time he walked Rachel home, and even then I didn't really see him. Santana and I were actually starting to think he wasn't real. But now here he is, in my living room, and I mean no disrespect to my fiancé, but Brody has to be the most attractive person I've ever seen.

"Brody, is it? I'm Kurt Hummel. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise," he says, "though I feel like I already know you from what Rachel's told me."

"I feel the same way. Rachel speaks of you highly. And often. And can I just say, she was not lying when she said you were a snack."

"Did you really say that, Rach? Honestly, you're too kind."

"I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it. Now tell us what we're all dying to know, Kurt. Did Blaine propose????"

"He did!!"

The room erupts with screams of excitement. I'm sure we're probably going to receive complaints from our non-Brittany neighbors about the noise, but right now I don't care.

"I'm so happy for you, Kurt," says Rachel.

"Thanks. I don't know if it's inconsiderate of me to be talking about this in front of Brittany, though, cuz she just called off her engagement."

"Nah, you're good," says Brittany. "Yeah, I'm still healing from the whole Sam thing, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy for you. You're my friend. I guess this means you are gonna be planning a wedding after all."

"I guess it does."

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