Chapter 7

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Rachel's POV

"Santana, you're practically floating," I observe. "I take it your confession went well?"

"'Well' is an understatement," she says. "It was amazing. I'm, like, on cloud nine right now."

"Are you really just gonna tell us that and nothing else?" says Kurt. "Tell us everything."

She tells us all about what went down, and we hang on to every word. "So uh, long story short, Brittany's pregnant, I'm going with her to her ultrasound appointment, and also we're a couple now."

Kurt says exactly what I'm thinking. "Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Brittany's pregnant???"

"Yeah, she like, just found out. I have no idea what she's gonna tell Sam. Or if she's gonna tell him."

"Why would she?" I say. "It might be his baby, but after what he did to Brittany, he doesn't deserve to be a part of its life or hers."

"Yeah, fair enough. Speaking of telling people things, Rachel, I think you should consider telling your boyfriend about Finn. It's been long enough, I would say."

"What? Why would I-"

"Santana has a point, Rachel," Kurt chimes in. "I get not bringing it up at first, but you gotta tell him at some point. In order to know someone, you need to know all of them, including their past."

"Wow. That's deep. You know what? Next time I see Brody, I'll tell him about Finn."


Two days later, I'm at Brody's apartment, and I think I'm finally ready to tell him about Finn. Weirdly enough, this Finn thing doesn't feel like an open wound anymore. Is that a good thing? I really don't know.

"Hey, Brody?"


"There's something that I feel like you need to know about me. I have some... emotional baggage, in a manner of speaking."

"I won't hold that against you, Rachel," he says. "We've all got emotional baggage. That's not just a you thing. But what I find helps with emotional baggage is unpacking it."

"Alright then. It's unpacking time. I haven't been sure of how to bring this up to you, but I'll try my best."

"What is it?"

I take a breath before continuing, "It's... my last boyfriend."

"What about him?"

"He, um... he passed away. Seven years ago. He was only nineteen."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Rach. I'm sure you must have been crushed."

"I was. You're actually the first person I've dated since I lost him. I guess ever since then, I sort of built a wall around my heart. I didn't want to let anyone else in, for fear that I'd lose them and end up hurt again. But when I'm with you, it's different. I all but forget about Finn. That was his name," I add for clarification.

"Yeah, I kind of assumed that," says Brody. "I've seen your tattoo of the name Finn, so when you told me that story I put the two together."

"Oh. I see. Well, um, I just thought I should tell you that. Y'know, clear the air and stuff."

"That's fair. Thanks for telling me."

"Of course. And you know what?"


"I feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world," I say, "because I met the love of my life twice: Finn, and now you."

"Aww. I'm the love of your life?"

"Yeah, I'd say that."


Brittany's POV

"So what's going on in there?" I ask the doctor as I'm getting my ultrasound. "Was the test a false positive, or am I really pregnant?"

"You're really pregnant," the doctor says. "Congrats. From the looks of it, I'd say you're about seven weeks in."

I start tearing up. "I can't believe I'm actually going to be a mom. This is crazy."

"Yep. Get ready to lose any semblance of a solid sleep schedule."


Eleven weeks later, Santana and I go back to the doctor to find out the baby's gender. It's a girl.

"Gracias à Dios," says Santana. "I honestly don't know how I'd survive raising a boy."

"Yeah, me neither."

On the way back home, we start discussing possible names.

"I was thinking we could name her after a musician," I suggest. "Y'know, cuz you and I both have musician names. What about Ariana?"



"I'm not a huge fan of Miley Cyrus."


"I could take it or leave it. What about Lauryn, after Lauryn Hill?"

"Who's Lauryn Hill?"

Santana looks at me like I've lost my mind. "You've never heard of Lauryn Hill? Have you been living under a rock or something?"

"No, I've been living next door to you. Unless we both live under a rock?"

"Figure of speech, Brittany. Anyway, how do you feel about... Azalea?"

"Azalea," I repeat. "Like Iggy Azalea. I really like that one. Looks we got ourselves a name."

"Looks like it."

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