Chapter 6

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Santana's POV
(a little over a week later)

"Hey, guys?"


"There's something I want to tell you. I... I think I'm in love with Brittany."

Kurt and Rachel look at each other, then at me, then back at each other.

"Should we act more surprised?" says Rachel. "I don't know about you, but I've known for weeks."

"Yeah, I had a feeling too. I actually didn't realize we weren't supposed to know."

"You guys might know I like Brittany, but I'm fairly sure that Brittany doesn't know I like Brittany," I say. "Let's not kid ourselves. This is the same girl who thought The Vampire Diaries was a reality show."

"True," says Kurt.

"Are you gonna tell her?" asks Rachel. "I mean, it might be a little soon after Sam, but there's no harm in telling her."

"That's exactly why I went to you guys. I was thinking of going over to Brittany's and confessing my feelings, but I wanted to get your advice first. Should I wait until she's had more time to heal?"

"Make like a Nike commercial and just do it," Kurt advises. "What's the worst that could happen? She turns you down?"

"The worst that could happen is I lose the best friend I ever had," I say. "The worst that could happen is things get super awkward between Brittany and I, and she eventually stops talking to me."

"That's not gonna happen, Tana. Brittany's a sweet girl; she's not gonna stop being your friend just because you have a crush. And maybe instead of thinking of the worst that could happen, think about the best that could happen: you and Britt become girlfriends, maybe eventually get married  and move to the countryside and raise a bunch of cats together."

"I don't know about that last part, but the countryside sounds nice. Thanks so much, Rachel. You're the best."

"Don't mention it," she calls after me as I leave.

I cross the hallway to Brittany's apartment door and knock on it.

"Just a minute!" I hear her say from inside.

"Okay, I'll wait." Are you sure this is a good idea? I ask myself. Don't be ridiculous, Santana. Of course it is. Just think about the countryside. I take my own advice and imagine the future I might have with Brittany. I think I'm finally ready to tell her how I feel.

Brittany's POV

I take a second look at the pregnancy test in my hand, unsure if my eyes were playing tricks on me the first time. They weren't. Double lines. I'm pregnant.

I've been feeling really nauseous the past few days, and I wasn't sure why. At first I thought it was something I ate, but apparently not. Oh my gosh, I'm having a baby. What am I gonna do?

While I'm freaking out, I hear a knock on the door. Probably Santana. Really bad timing, Santana. "Just a minute!" I yell from the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll wait." Turns out I was right. It is Santana.

I take a moment to compose myself, then go answer the door and let Santana in. I really should give her a key. She comes over a lot.

"Hey Santana," I say. "I have some... big news. I was gonna tell you and Kurt and Rachel the next time I saw you, but since you're here I'll tell you now."

"What is it?"

"Um..." I take a breath, then say it: "I'm pregnant."

"Oh, really? Congratulations! When did you find out?"

"Like, a second ago. I just took a pregnancy test. I'm gonna make an appointment to get an ultrasound. Y'know, to make sure it isn't a false positive. Do you want to come with?"

"Of course. Do you want Rachel and Kurt to come too, or just me?"

"Just you, if that's okay. The others are great, but I'm closest to you. You're, like, my best friend, Santana."

"And you're mine, Brittany," Santana replies. "I actually have something I want to say, too. I understand if you're still getting over Sam, but I really like you, Brittany."

"I like you too."

She seems surprised. "R-really?"

"Yeah, of course. I just said we were best friends."

"Not that kind of like, Britt. To borrow from the elementary-school vocabulary, I like like you. As in, I want to be more than friends. I totally understand if you don't want to date me, but I just-"

"Oh, you wanna date me?"

"Yeah. Exactly."

"Why didn't you just say that? It would have been a whole lot easier."

"I dunno, I guess I was worried about scaring you off."

"Don't," I say. "You could never scare me off. I'll always want to be with you, Tana. We're best friends. Or should I say, we're girlfriends."

"Girlfriends- does that mean you like me back, or-"

I kiss her on the cheek. "Does this answer your question?"

"I- I guess it does," she replies, blushing profusely. "Let me know when your ultrasound is. I guess I'll see you then."

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