Epilogue, Part 1

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(Hey, Bean again! I'm here to tell you that this isn't necessarily a chapter in the traditional sense. It's more of a list of what becomes of all the characters after the end of the story. Alright, with that out of the way, here's the epilogue.)

Rachel and Brody go on to star alongside each other in many musicals and become one of the most well-known Broadway couples. Shortly after the two announce their engagement, #BROCHEL becomes the top trending hashtag on Twitter.
- Rachel gets her "Finn" tattoo removed. He'll always have a special place in her heart, but her and Brody agreed that Rachel having a tattoo of her dead ex's name was a little awkward.
- Not long after Rachel has Kurt and Blaine's baby, she and Brody start a co-production of their own. As far as names go, Rachel is sure that she wants to name it Barbra if it's a girl.

Santana and Brittany get married ( the wedding is planned by the fabulous Kurt Hummel, and their wedding song is "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac) and, just as Rachel predicted, move to the countryside. They live a peaceful life with Azalea and their many cats.
- Brittany and Quinn are Facebook friends and frequently in contact with each other. Whenever Brittany comes to Ohio to visit her family, she makes a point to meet up with Quinn.
- Santana feels that she accomplished what she came out to New York to do: finding herself. She loves the life she has with Brittany and their little family.
- Every other Thanksgiving, Santana and Brittany have their friends from New York over for a "Friendsgiving." It's a reunion they all look forward to.

Kurt and Blaine have two children, a son named Hepburn and a daughter named Tracy, the surrogate mothers of whom are Rachel and Tina, respectively.
- After putting it off for months, Blaine buys Kurt a new car. Despite this, Kurt still takes any chance he can get to bring up the incident to Brittany (and eventually Azalea).
- Kurt finally follows his dream of starting his own fashion line, and it's an immediate success. He becomes one of the world's most well-known fashion designers, and makes it onto Forbes' "30 Under 30" that year.
- Blaine has a great year, too; he wins his first Tony Award, and gets his brother to admit that Broadway isn't dead.

Tina decides that instead of just complaining about being single all the time, she wants to do something about it, and tries her hand at online dating. It's through this that she meets a professional dancer named Mike Chang, and sparks fly instantly.

Quinn, a few months after leaving Sam, starts dating Joe Hart, Beth's CCD teacher. It's a little weird for Beth at first, but she gets used to it. Quinn and Joe go on to marry each other and have a daughter named Trinity, and Beth is an excellent older sister.
-Every now and then, Quinn will go to New York and join Brittany and company for Friendsgiving. Eventually she starts bringing Joe, Beth, and Trinity along with her.

Dani finally apologizes to Santana for the way she left her. It takes a while, but they become friends again. In fact, she was at Brittany and Santana's wedding.

Sam is forever alone. Word spreads fast in small towns, so nobody wants to date him now that they know he's a cheater. In fact, everyone in the town has lost any respect they had for him. He's considering changing his name and moving to another state.

(and that's it!)

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