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The next day I woke up early and did my makeup. I put on a crop top and some tight shorts before grabbing the keys and heading to Starbucks to get coffee.

I ordered my coffee and Josh's coffee. I had both our coffee orders memorized so that I could always just go alone to make it easier.

I drove to Josh's house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and let me in. I handed him his coffee.

"Wow babe, thanks, I really needed this, you're the best." I smiled at him and walked into the living room.

"I was wondering if you'd want to go get breakfast? On me." I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yeah sure, let me grab my phone and I'll be out." He said as he walked into his room.

When he came back I drove us to the IHOP down the street, it was pretty busy but we still got seated pretty quickly.

As we looked over the menus, I noticed that josh was laughing and texting someone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked, just trying to start conversation, his eyes flashed up to me and my mind went to a darker place.

"It's not that Emma girl, is it? You seem to be talking to her a lot lately..." I trailed off, hoping he'd understand what I was asking.

"Kat, not this again, I already told you, you're just being paranoid, we don't even talk that much." He said and I sighed.

"Okay, I trust you." He put his phone down and looked at me.

Our waitress came over and took our order, although I noticed Josh's eyes lingering on her as she walked away.

He asked me about work and how I had been and all the things we could do together. We talked and ate and laughed. Until he got a call and had to leave halfway through.

I paid and then had to walk back to his house to get my car.

When I made it back to my house, I didn't hear Karl, so I figured he was in his office live. I texted him asking if I could come watch and he said sure.

I walked into the office and inched my way into my corner. Karl looked over at me but then went back to his computer screen.

His legs were pulled up and he was sort of squatting in his chair, his smile was so big it kind of looked like it hurt, but that's just how he always was.

He was giggling into his mic, talking about dream. It looked like they were playing Jackbox.

I couldn't hear the other side of the conversation, but Karl's laugh was so infectious, I found myself laughing along with him.

Eventually he ended his stream, and pulled his headset off.

"Hey Kat, where'd you go earlier?" He asked.

"I went out for breakfast with Josh! He had to go somewhere though so I figured I'd come back." I answered.

"Oh, cool, I'm hanging out with Will, Quackity, and Sapnap," he said.

"That's cool, could I come hang too, just add me to the call, so we can both be there at the same time." I said and he nodded. I left so that it wouldn't echo.

In my room, I got added to the call and I joined.

"Hey guys!" I said as I entered.

"Kat! You're here!" Quackity shouted.

"Hey Kat!" Wilbur said excitedly.

"Who's this?" The icon named Sapnap lit up.

"I'm Karl's roommate, and you are Sapnap." I said.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now