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When I woke up again, I was still having the chills, Will wasn't there but I wasn't sure if he had ever gone back to sleep.

I felt like I was breathing fire, my throat burned so much. I got up to use the restroom and then walked into the kitchen, where Wilbur was standing drinking coffee.

I went over for a hug except I just sort of bumped into him, and kept my arms at my side. I fell into his chest and his arms fell loosely around me.

"Are you feeling any better?" He asked, affectionately carding a hand through my hair.

"Mngd" I responded with, my caveman grunt seemed to be a good enough response for him because he chuckled a bit and then went to get me some flu medicine.

It took about twenty minutes but after that I started to feel a little bit better, not amazing and I'd probably just spend the day shopping online laying on the couch, but I didn't feel like dying anymore.

"Are you up to doing anything today?" Will asked.

"Dunno, probably just keep furniture shopping online, maybe tomorrow we can go to some shops." I said and he nodded.

I felt really touchy and so I walked over and bumped his arm with my shoulder. He looked down and me a little weirdly and I lightly tapped my forehead to his. (A/N: my love language is bonke)

He lightly pecked my cheek and I just fake punched his arm a bunch. Eventually I wandered back into the living room.

I shopped for the rest of the day, getting off of the sofa three times, twice to use the bathroom and then to eat lunch.

The next day I already felt better but not all the way. It took about five days in total for me to feel back to 100 percent and even then I was pretty tired. However we had finished all the furniture shopping I would need for now and it was pretty much just a waiting game until it all arrived.

~~time skip~~

All the furniture had finally arrived and most of it was all put together. My streaming setup and bedroom were done and everything that needed to be in the bathroom and kitchen was done, the only thing left was that we were waiting on the couch to finish off the living room, which we were going to pick up today.

I looked around, before deciding I could show some pictures of the new bedroom, to officially announce my big move. I also posted some pictures of Will I had taken, with his permission of course, he had his hand up in all of them but was very clearly laughing.

I posted it as we got in the car to head over and pick up the couch. It would be the final piece before everything was really official, I had already been sleeping in the apartment for about four days.

It took us about two hours to get there, load it onto a trailer, and then get back and bring it up to the house. After those hours, Wilbur and I just collapsed onto the couch and finally looked around at the finished product.

And to think that just a month ago I thought I wasn't ready to move and here I was now with my best friends in the entire world and someone who literally meant the world to me.

"What if we go out tonight, celebrate you being done with moving." Wilbur said.

"Like a date?" I responded.

"Yes a date." He added.

I agreed and he told me he'd come get me at eight and to wear something nice. He left after this and left me with an hour and a half to get ready.

I showered and then did my hair and makeup before picking out a little black dress to wear with some black flats.

I was ready with about five minutes to spare, the nerves were kicking in a little as I made sure I had everything and opening the door. Wilbur was waiting there with flowers and he looked very nice.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now