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I went into Karl's room, he was in there, sitting on his bed, he wasn't streaming for very long today so I figured I'd find him here. I flopped down on his bed in front of where he was sitting with his legs crossed.

"Hey Kat, what's up?" He asked grabbing one of my legs and pulling it off of him.

"Nothing, I was just bored." I said. "I have work tomorrow, I wonder how Twitter will react to the whole L'manberg situation today. I think I have a late shift tomorrow, so I won't be able to stream at all."

"I don't know, I think Twitter is probably losing its mind. Also, do you think you'll be home before dinner tomorrow or is it an eat alone type of night." He asked.

"Probably an eat alone, I think I'm the closing employee, so I won't get home until like two am." I said and he nodded.

I just laid there, we were just enjoying the presence of the other, it was always pleasant just to be around him.

I went lay down, I hadn't intended to fall asleep but I guess I did because when I woke up it was 3 in the morning and Karl was also asleep but sprawled out diagonally on the bed with his feet basically in my face.

I got up and went into my room before laying back down and going back to sleep. The next time I woke up the sun had risen and my phone was buzzing on the nightstand.

I picked it up mindlessly.

"Kat!" Wilbur's voice flooded my mind.

"Hey Wil, what's up?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you?" He asked, much quieter.

"Kind of, don't worry about it though, it's not a big deal." I said sitting up.

"I just had some news, so dream and I are planning an smp meetup, like a bunch of us, I wanted you to help us plan it though, so I called to ask what you thought. There will be a lot of us though, probably staying somewhere near Brighton. Dream said he'll cover the Americans's plane tickets, so you and Karl are good." He said and the news roused me from my grogginess.

"What?! Wilbur that's so cool! When?" I asked.

"Probably in January, so like a few months from now." He spoke and I sorted through my schedule in my head. Last time I checked I didn't have work the second week of January.

"Oh, I'm free the entire second week of January but other than that I'll have to try and get time off and my manager is kind of an ass." I said.

"That should line up well, and if you have to leave a little bit early, we'll all be sad but it would be fine, either way I'm sure we can plan around it." He said.

"Yeah that'd be great Wil, this will be so exciting though." I said as I finally climbed out of bed.

He stayed on call while I got dressed, he was telling me about the details of the trip they had already planned out and about some stuff having to do with his music. We had been wanting to meet up for a while I just kept putting it off because I didn't want to disappoint.

I feel like if we meet up they'll be underwhelmed, they are all so great and I'm just... me. I'm not very pretty or very funny, or even very smart, according to Josh I'm boring and uninteresting, so I'm really just plain old Katelyn.

A meet up between them would be different than with corpse because I wasn't really friends with corpse when we met up, I went to escape family. I guess I was just nervous to meet the people who became such a big part of my life.

I eventually got up, I decided to stream before work, in an effort to keep myself from filling the day with meaningless tasks that would just leave me feeling unproductive in the long run.

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