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A few drinks later, I decided to cut us off before either of us got more than slightly tipsy. I went to get ready, having enjoyed a little bit of early morning booze.

Today, I had to go to the grocery store, but I also wanted to stop at some other stores, just to look around.

I decided to hit the few stores in the mall first, since they would take the longest, I'd save actual groceries for last since a few things could melt in the car.

I mainly window shopped, going into a few stores that had cute displays, in a remarkable display of self control I didn't buy anything and finally left the mall. I wanted to go to one other store before groceries, I wanted to look for some new shoes, my current tennis shoes were almost falling apart.

There were a few pairs of shoes that were alright, but nothing that really called to me.

I walked to my car and drove to the grocery store. I pulled out my list and went in, the shopping was pretty fast, we didn't need much so I was fairly in and out. I loaded them into my car and drove back home.

Karl met me in the driveway and helped bring groceries in and put them away, he was always helpful like that.

I got a message from dream saying that later today he had arranged for someone to give me a tour of the server.

I sent a thumbs up and went to sit on the couch. I made a sandwich first and ate it.

I scrolled through my phone, passing time until I had to join the server for this tour. I wouldn't be streaming it, but apparently this person would record it for a video.

I joined the vc that dream was in, there was one more person there, his discord name read Tommyinnit.

The second I joined the call my ears were filled with shouting, a prominently British voice was shouting aggressively at dream.

"Umm, hi guys..." I said calling attention to myself.

The voice stopped and I heard a gasp.


"Ummm, I'm just gonna go." Dream said and the sound went off signifying he had left.

"Anyway, I'm Kat, or glitch, whichever you prefer, glitch is my twitch name." I said introducing myself.

"Oh, I'm Tommy, I'm supposed to show you around." He said, his voice still loud, but slightly quieter now.

"Ok then, let's get this tour started." He said and we started walking.

We explored and he gave me a bit of history on lord of things, at one point Tubbo joined the call. It was nice talking to him.

At some point Tommy was trying to convince me join something called 'L'manberg'. I agreed although I didn't really understand, he said Wilbur was president so it seemed okay.

After this we ended and continued with life. After the video dropped people lost their minds, mostly excited I would be joining. Over the next few months I started showing people my character, I had been helping Wilbur write and I made my own character.

Wilbur and I's roleplay characters were romantically involved for plot purposes. Wilbur got banished from L'manberg along with Tommy. Niki and I worked together from the inside to help Wil and Tommy. Today was quite a big day though. November 16th, 2020.

I went live and everything moved so quickly as I slightly zoned out what schlatt was saying. I was to follow Wilbur. I saw his tag and went to find him.

I was in the corner of the room, Wilbur staring at the button.

"Wil?" I squealed out in the most betrayed voice I could muster.

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