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When we finished and Wilbur ended the stream, I stayed in the call and we talked for a bit.

"I don't know if you heard, but apparently Karl and I are gonna go visit someone called Corpse, because we don't want to have to see my family so we'll spend Christmas in California with Corpse." I said.

"That's really cool, corpse is cool, I hope you have fun." He said softly.

"Me too, I have work tomorrow though, so I should probably get to sleep, it's already like 2 am over here." I said and laughed a bit, it was breathy but I was also tired.

"Oh, I'm sorry I kept you up," he said, quickly apologizing.

"Oh no, don't worry about it, I had fun hanging out with you." I said. We said goodbye and ended the call.

I walked out into the living room to see Karl still in there, he looked half asleep but the tv was on and he was staring blankly at it.

"Karl, what are you doing up," he jumped again, similar to when I got home.

"Oh sorry, I guess I zoned out again." He spoke quickly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He nodded and I let myself believe him.

"Well okay then, I probably should've asked if I could, but I went and hung out with Wilbur on his stream, it was a lot of fun." I said.

"Kat! That's so cool! Also why would you have to ask? You're allowed to do whatever you want, if you want to be on streams then do it. What did you guys do?" This seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he had been in.

"We played roblox, we just messed around, I wanted to bully some children." I said. I gave him some more details, he yawned a few times and I stopped talking.

"Okay, I think it's time we both go to bed." I stood up and pulled him off the couch, I walked behind him and let him go in his room before I went into mine.

I was pretty exhausted so falling asleep came easily.

The next day, I woke up at around noon.

I texted Josh, letting him know that I forgave him for snapping, and that I'd FaceTime him tonight.

My shift starts at six, so I had a while to do nothing.

I used the bathroom and then walked into the kitchen, I sat on the counter and ate an apple, not really doing much.

I got a message from Wilbur and it was fanart of him hatching from a ghast egg. I snorted a little and Karl asked what I was laughing at. I showed him my phone screen and he was very confused.

"It was something I said on stream last night as a joke, although it might become fanon." I said.

He nodded and went back to the monster he was drinking.

"When do we leave for corpse?" I asked.

"I believe the 12th, which is in a week." He said and I nodded.

"Okay, how long will we be staying because I need to request time off of work." I said and he pulled out his phone calendar.

"Umm, we'll stay until the 27th, so about 15 days." He said.

I pulled out my phone to mark my calendar and also to message my boss. Once I dealt with it I went to my room and grabbed a bag out of my closet, I picked out a few outfits, knowing that if I didn't start packing now I wouldn't start until a day before we leave.

Eventually I had to leave so that I had time to pick up some coffee before work. My shift was extremely boring, very little happened, I was almost relieved I didn't have another weirdo to deal with, it wasn't uncommon for creeps to return for multiple nights in a row.

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