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The waiting was really boring, the airport was loud and the memes weren't even that dank. Eventually though techno showed up and soon after eret showed up.

As we were walking out of the airport, I tripped on seemingly nothing but before I hit the ground Wilbur's hand shot out and grabbed my shoulder, steadying me.

"Oh my, my hero!" I fluttered my eyelashes at him. "You saved my life!" I playfully jabbed at him as the others laughed at my drama.

We drove back to the Airbnb and I watched as the others greeted the three new people. It was very cute seeing all my friends interact like that.

I wasn't really planning on joining any streams today. I planned on streaming tomorrow though. As I went upstairs I turned to will and opened my arms, asking for a hug. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me tightly. It lasted a few blissful seconds before we both let go and split off into the house.

My phone buzzed in my pocket reminding me of the terrible reality, eventually I'd go back home and have to deal with Josh. Nothing this perfect can last, especially for someone as worthless as me.

I pulled out my phone, he had texted me, I quickly read the message and responded before putting my phone back up.

The rest of our trip went by far too quickly, we hung out and explored the city, as well as streaming and vlogging. The fans lost their minds over it.

Eventually it came to a close and I ended up back in my house in Carolina. Dreading the next day, when Josh and I would meet up.

I felt that little flutter of excitement I always got before seeing him and was immediately filled with sadness.

I didn't go back to him because I love him, he's threatening me. I could always just face reveal and then he'd have no power... but Im not ready for that.

I slipped into a deep sleep. The next morning I quickly got ready, makeup and everything before driving to Josh's house. He welcomed me in warmly, giving me a nice cup of coffee and sitting with me on the couch.

"Isn't this nice, I've missed this, no one is ever as good to me as you were." He said and I fake laughed along.

I felt uncomfortable no matter how much I tried not to, knowing how much he held over my head. We watched tv for hours and when we finally stopped, he walked me to the park and we held hands as we strolled, now I remembered why I ever dated him in the first place, he was always so romantic and thoughtful.

The day seemed to fly by because before I knew it the sun was setting and Josh was walking me home, kissing me goodbye at my doorstep, like our first date all over again. Maybe this really would be a fresh start.

We essentially repeated the next day, although I ended with a stream announcing I had a boyfriend, per Josh's request, and instead of the park we went to a local bookstore and he bought me some books.

The next few months were like this, he would join me on streams, I basically lived at his house, and he would always take me places and buy me things.

One day I realized that I hadn't spoken to Karl in a while because he'd been keeping me so busy. I climbed out of bed, ready to go home and talk to Karl, but Josh walked in as I was leaving.

"Where are you going?" He asked gently.

"Home." I said slipping my other shoe on.

"What do you mean, you are here already." He said confused and sounding slightly angry.

"I'm going to my actual house, to see Karl." His hand shot out as I reached for the door and grabbed my wrist tightly.

I flinched. "You really think he cares about you, none of them want you there, none of them love you like I do, they aren't important, no one could ever care about you like I do." He said and threw me to the ground. I felt my eyes well up, a few tears escaping as I nodded. I felt something connect with my face. He had slapped me, he really did.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now