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The next morning, we were still in the same position as we had fallen asleep in. The door handle was twisting aggressively. I shook Wilbur until he woke up, before I went over and looked out the big window to see what was going on. To my chagrin, it was Josh, he was clearly trying to get inside.

I sighed and went over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. "What do you want Josh?" I said aggravated.

"Babe, I'm so glad you answered-" I quickly cut him off.

"Don't call me that, why are you here?" I asked again, more hostile.

"No need to be like that, what's wrong with wanting to see you?" He said trying to walk in. I pushed him back outside.

"Well for one thing we aren't together anymore, another one is that you're a manipulative fuck, if you need more you were just trying to break into my house, Need I go on?" I finished calmly.

It was at this point that Wilbur walked up behind me, he didn't touch me but I could sense that he was there.

"Oh I see, I make one mistake and you run into the arms of someone else, what does he have that I don't, you never even loved me did you?" He said, looking like he was on the verge of tears.

"Actually I believe it's more of what I don't have that you do," Wilbur interjected.

"He's right, and for your information, I did love you once, but that was a long time ago and that time is gone. Now I want you out of my life, I have no sympathy for you and quite frankly this is what you deserve." I said slamming the door and locking it. I turned around and pressed my back to the door, letting out a deep sigh. I didn't want to cry, especially not now.

Wilbur walked forward and silently enveloped me in a hug. I put my head down on his shoulder and had to physically restrain myself from crying then and there.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, I think I'm going to go take a shower, feel free to make some food." I said, breaking away from the hug and started towards my room.

I locked the bathroom door and undressed. I let the water heat up and slowly stepped under the stream. The room quickly filled up with steam. My eyes stung as I felt the tears prick and finally begin to spill over. My body shook with silent sobs.

No matter what I did, it seemed like I could never escape him. Every time things settled down he was back. I cleaned myself and got out of the shower. I got dressed and opened the door, I wasn't wearing makeup because I didn't feel like doing it.

Wilbur was sitting at the island. "Are you okay?" He asked, cocking his head to the side as his eyes met mine. I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, it's just that, I feel like no matter what I do I can't get away from him, he's always right down the road, every time things are going well he's here to make sure I can't just live." I said, breathing shakily.

"Why don't you just leave?" He asked.

"I couldn't leave Karl, this is my home, I'm not ready to leave, not yet at least." I said, to which he nodded.

It fell silent after that, my mind wandered to the fact that Wilbur would be leaving Tomorrow evening.

"Since you leave tomorrow, we should do something fun today and tomorrow, make the most of our time together. Just today we have to be home by four so that I can get ready for my stream, but tomorrow I'm free." I stated.

"Do you have anything in mind?" He queried.

"Today we could play mini golf, I'll have to think about what we can do tomorrow." I said.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now