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It's been two days since Wilbur left, they were filled with long phone calls and even longer naps. I was so tired, physically and mentally.

I heard the door open, and realized that Karl must be home.

I was quick to head into the living room, to be greeted with a warm hug from my best friend.

I was so glad to have somebody around, I missed Wilbur already, especially considering that there was no telling when we'd see each other again.

"Hey so Karl, I have something to tell you." I said as I followed into his room, him putting his things away.

"Shoot" he said.

"So like WilburandImighthavemaybekissedalittlebit." I said forcing it all out at once.

"What? I didn't quite catch that?" He said, looking at me.

"Wilbur and I kissed, more than once actually, like sort of a lot." I said.

"Kat! Good for you! You really like him?" He asked.

"Yeah, I think so." I said looking away.

"Well then, I'm glad you are happy." He said, walking over and hugging me.

Eventually I walked back to my room, starting up a stream.

"Hey chat, welcome back, I don't really have a plan for today, some people might join, anyone is welcome. I think we might just do a bit of a nail painting stream. I set up my camera for one a while ago and then didn't get around to it, and I've been wanting to paint my nails so it works out." I said as I dug in my drawer for some polish.

When I came out I had this beautiful teal color and I grabbed a white. I turned on my hand cam and I opened the polish.

I started off doing my left hand because it was easier to paint with my dominant hand, a noise sounded from my computer, signaling people had joined my call.

"Hey Kat, your nails look really good." Wilbur said.

"Woman! This is a question of utmost importance." Tommy shouted.

"What do you need Tommy?" I asked.

"If you had to choose between me and Wilbur, who would you pick." He said.

"Is that even a question?" I got cut off.

"See I told you Tommy-" Wilbur started and it was my turn to cut him off.

"Obviously it's you Tommy." I said and he laughed loudly.

"Kaaat" Wilbur whined sadly.

"I'm sorry will, Tom is just better." I said laughing, Wilbur left the call before quickly joining again.

I painted my nails and talked to them for a while, before I quickly ended the stream. I walked out into the kitchen, Karl was sitting there looking sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked, standing on the other side of our island.

"I should've told you earlier, but I'm moving out." He said, avoiding eye contact.

"What? You're leaving? Where are you going?" I asked, so quiet it was almost inaudible.

"Florida, Sap and I are going to live together..." he said.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"We were supposed to leave next week, but my flight got moved and now I'm leaving tomorrow." He said.

"Oh of course! I only get told a day before my best friend leaves me, I've known you my entire life and yet you up and leave with only a days notice." Suddenly I was very angry.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWhere stories live. Discover now