Chapter 30

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Your Pov

I walk back over to everyone to see them looking at a map. "Oh hey I'm Isabel... Nice to meet you!" She said extending her hand. I shake her hand and give her a small smile. "Nice to meet you to I'm Y/N" I say. "You shouldn't shake her hand.... You'll never know where her hands have been" Alice said and Isabel gave me a confused look. "Ignore her" I said letting go of her hand. "Hi I'm Ryan" the other guy said. I stuck my hand out but instead he hugged me. "Sorry I'm a hugger" he said pulling away. I nod and give him a small smile." His gay" Isabel whispered into my ear. "Just wanted you to know, just Incase you want know..." She said. I nod and give her a smile. "Nah... I'm gay too." I say she just nods surprised. "I wasn't expecting that" she said and let out a small laugh. " no one expects it..... For some reason people think because it's a apocalypse everyone is straight..... Just so they can repopulate the world.... It's good to know I'm not the only gay here." I say and she nods. I walk over to Jake who's sitting in front of the map. "So where we heading of to next?" I ask. "I don't know.... Your the leader here, you should tell me" he said looking up."i don't know...... You can pick this time." I say. He nods and looks at the map. "We're here" he said pointing to a place on the map. "We can travel this way on the main road" he moved his finger across the city."and then we can go onto the road back into the woods" he dragged his finger across the map until he reached a farm. " We can try the farm" he said looking up at me. "I mean it's far but.... It may be safe.... At least for a while" he said looking at everyone. "Yeh" I said and everyone looked at me. "That might work" I said and Jake stood up. "Well, I'll gather everything and get ready for take off" he said and I laughed. "Are we going to walk?" Asked Alex. "I can go and find a car" Max said. "One car won't fit all of us in it, and we don't have time to go looking for a working car." I said. "There's some trucks at the edge of the city, I mean one of them should work and it'll fit all of us in it" Isabel said. I sight. "Alex, Dylan, Ryan, Alice, Dinah, Normani, Max." I said looking at all of them. "Your coming with me" I said grabbing my crossbow. "I want to come" John said. "No" I say. "Come on.... I can help... I can fit in small places and it'll be good practice. I think for a while. "Fine.... But stay close understand" he nodded smiling and went to grab his gun. "I'm coming with you" I turn around to see Camila with a gun in her hand. "No your not" I say. "I am... And your not going to stop me." She said. "I don't want you to get hurt" I say walking closer to her."and I don't want you to get hurt" she said. "That's why I'm coming with you" she whispered and looked down. "Okay.... But don't you dare leave my side" I say and she looked up and nodded. "Come on guys" i say and open the door. We all run down the stairs and Dylan opens the door. We all run out the door and wait for Dylan to lock it. Once he locked it we all walk down the street. " We might need gas too you know" Max said. "I know" I say. "There's a gas station not far from where the trucks are." Alex said. "Well when we get there Alice, Camila and I will go get the gas while you, try and find a truck that's working" I say and everyone nods. "Why does Alice have to come with us, why can't we just go alone" Camila whispered walking next to me. "It's safer when there's more people" I say. "But why her?" She asked. "Because if I have to kill someone, it won't be a hard choice" I say and her eyes go wide. "Oh" was all she said. After ten minutes we were there. "Ok you guys go.... Camila, Alice.... Come on" I said and started to walk to the left and the rest went to the right. " it's about a minute from here" Alice said. Well she was right after a minute we were in front of the gas station. "Come on" I said and walked over to the little store there. "I'll see if I can find something useful, you guys get the gas." I walk into the store and start to walk around. I grab whatever I find. A lighter, some magazines so we can burn them for a fire. Whatever I find I stuff it in my backpack. Then I hear screams and gun shots. I run out of the shop and see Camila and Alice shooting at a herd if walkers. I start to shoot at them and look to my left to see a lot of walkers walking over to Alice surrounding her. Then I look to my right to see the same with Camila. Shit..... I have to save them, I want to save them both.... But I can't..... I run over to Camila and start to shoot some walkers. After most of them are dead I grab Camila's hand and start to run away. "Wait!!! What about Alice?" She screamed. "Just run!!!!" I screamed back. We ran and ran until the walkers are out of sight. I look at Camila and grab her hand and start to check for bites or cuts or whatever. "I'm not bit" she said. I stop and look into her eyes. I pull her into my arms and rest my head on her shoulder. " We left her" she said. "We had to... We had to save our selfs" I said. "I got the gas" she said holding it up. I give her a small smile."Come on...... Let's get to the others" I say.we start walking until we hear a horn. I look up to see a truck driving our way. "Get in!" Dylan said with his head sticking out the window. We walk around the back and jump into the truck. "The tanks full... I'm shocked there's gas in it anyway" Alex said. "Where's Alice" Dinah asked. I just shook my head and she understood. "Oh" she said and look at at the ground. Well today has been interesting.

A/N- what you think about that? And wow 10K you guys are awesome!! Thank you so much! :)

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