Hand Holding

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A/N: Hey, so heres the next part hope you all enjoy it! 

I got a week off of school and am going back today, Monday.  I stand by what I say that school blows.  I want it to be summer where I don't have to deal with Glimmer or any one else.  Maybe I'll go to New York.  It would be a welcomed change.  I take a quick shower, dry my hair and put on shorts and a navy blue t-shirt.  Throw on my converse and then head out the door.  Today would be a day to keep my head down and blend in.  I normally do not condon bleding in, live your life if someone has a problem, it's theirs not yours.  But today I didn't want any attention called to myself in any way shape or form.

The school halls where filled with swarms of students rushing to get to classes and everyone going crazy.  The amount of times people came up to see me and ask if I am okay is honestly sickening.  I'm sorry if you didn't care about me before please don't pretend to now.  I am just hoping to get through the day with out seeing anybody, I hate to say it I don't even want to see Peeta.  

During lunch I walk out side, not wanting to brave the lunch room yet.  I walk up to the bleechers where Cato and I first really conected.  I missed him, but I stil couldn't wrap my head around the fact he kissed my ex-bestfriend.  I guess I got two ex's out of that one.  I do like Marvel but not like I'm letting Cato and Glimmer think. He's a friend to me, nothing more, nothing less.  To be honest kissing him is difficult to do without feeling guilty.  Marvel fully knows how I feel about him, but that doesn't make me feel any better.  I don't think its getting to Cato either.  Really I could care less about what Glimmer thinks, who needs her anyways.  

Lunch finished and I made it through the rest of the day keeping my head down.  Until last period, where Cato and Glimmer are both in my class.  They might as well have been sitting in each others laps.  They held hands the whole time, I want to vomit.  Normally PDA does not bother me, but between those to it does, it drives me crazy.  The final bell rings and everyone packs up there books.  I am the first one out of the class room door and back to my locker to pick up the rest of the books I have to bring home with me.  I am just about to leave when somebody grabs my arm.  "Clove, can we please talk."  It was Cato.  I want to turn around and scream at him, no you can't talk to me.  Who do you think you are?  "No."  I replied and tried to keep walking but Cato trailed behind me. "Clove I am sorry, okay?"  I just scoffed at him.  " I am so sorry, I want you back please!"  Now I am past mad with him.  "NO YOU CAN NOT HAVE ME BACK! YOU KISSED MY BEST FRIEND AND DON'T TELL ME ANY OFF THAT SHE KISSED ME CRAP BECAUSE IT TAKES TWO PEOPLE TO KISS!"  I yelled at him and then walked away.  

A/N: Hopefully you guys liked it, please tell me what you think, and what you think will happen next!  

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