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There is another knock on the door, but I can't get myself to move.  I'm frozen in fear, it might be Dylan.   I hear the door downstairs open and run into my closet and shut the door, huddling myself  behing some clothes in the back.  Foot steps are coming towards the door.  Shot I forgot my knives underneath bed.  Clove out of all the times now is the one you choose to forget a knife, stupid.  I have no idea how Dylan would have gotten into our house but he did find out where I live.  Tears are pouring down my cheeks, muffuled sobs are coming from my mouth as I try to not make a sound.  The knob on my closet turns slowly and I hold my breath praying its not Dylan.  "Clove are you in here?" Peeta's voice questions. I stop trying to hold back my tears and sob heavily .  Peeta pulls back hangers of clothing and sts down next to me pulling me into a hug.  "Sapphire called me and told me about Dylan."  I can't find a way to reply to him, I simply keep sobbing. "You know We are not going to let him hurt you again, he won't get close enough to you."  Peeta whispers comfortingly.  I nod my head to reply not wanting to hear my voice crack.   I want to believe Peeta but he does not know what Dylan is capable of.  It horrifies me every night that I am going to wake up with his hand gripped around my arm throwing me into a wall.  I almost can't stand even closing my eyes to sleep.  "shh.." Peeta's voice trys calming me down but its almost no use.  "He's gonna find me Peeta, I can't get away from him, ever!"  I sob.  Peeta doesn't say anything else, he just keeps my in his bear hug.  Eventally I black out.

"B-Beep.B-Beep.B-Beep.B-Beep."  I slam my fist on my alarm clock.  Friday is finally here and I am trying to forget about yesterdays events.  I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a flowy lace black blouse.  I grab a pair of matching black flats to wear.  I rush down the stairs and grab an apple to eat for breakfast.   "When did Peeta Leave?"  I ask Sapphire.  "He left around two, he wanted to make sure you didn't wake up again."  She replies.  I eat the rest of my brekfest in silence, grab my bakpack, then run out to my car.  I am dreading school today.  If Dylan really moved here, he will be at my school.  What joys waking up brings.  I make it to school in five minuets.  As I walk through the doors Glimmer and Cashmere great me happily. "Is something wrong? You look like you got hit by a truck."  Cashmere states.  "No, I'm fine." I lie through my teeth.  

I have made it the whole day without seeing Dylan, thank goodness.  Although I havn't seen Cato all day, I guess he has been hanging out with some of his friends.  He said he would come pick me up around seven for the dance.  That gives me about four to five hours to get ready.  I have to go buy a dress on the way home from school though, I don't think Sapphire will mind if I'm a little late coming home.  I reach the mall and go to a store specifically for homecoming and prom dresses.  I look through about thirty dresses before I see one that catches my eye.  It's black dress with cap sleves,  from the waist up it is covered in red sequences.  The bottom of the dress is organza and it has an open back with a bow at the waist.  I decide to get it.  

I finally get home and started on my make up.  Glimmer and Cashmere said no one gets ready for homecoming together, only prom.  I do a smokey eye with grey and black eyeshadow and a simple eyeliner.  For the last touch of make up I put on a red lipstick that matches the red on the dress.  I curl my hair and pull back two peices from each side, but leaving some hair to frame my face.  For my earings I just put on a pair of black studs.  I grab my black heels and walk downstairs.  "Oh Clove you look lovley!" Sapphire beams.  "Thanks, Cato should be here any minuet."  I say looking over at the clock.  It reads 6:55.  After another five agonizing minuets the door bell rings.  Its Cato.  "Clove, you look stunning!"  He says.  I blush looking down at my feet.  "Come on lets go, we don't want to be late." He says grabbing my hand leading me to his car.  He opens my side before going over to his.  He looks dashing, He is wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a black button up shirt with a couple of the buttons at the top undone.  "I didn't see you all day Clove, where were you?" Cato asks breaking the silence.  "At school?" my reply turns into more of a question but Cato just laughs.

We enter the school gym and it is packed full of sweaty teenagers dancing.  "May I have this dance?" Cato asks in a fake english accent.  I laugh and nod.  He pulls me out on the dance floor.  All thoughts of Dylan that were previously in my mind have now vanished, all I can think about is Cato.  I look up at him smiling, at that moment he leans in and kisses me softly, then continues dancing as if nothing had happened. 

We stayed on the dance floor for about an hour before Cato got pulled away by some of his football friends.  I decide that this may be the only chance I get to find Glimmer and Cashmere. Maybe even Foxy, Johanna, Katniss, and Annie.  I start just to wander around the gym looking for them when I spot him. Dylan.  He makes eye contact with me and starts to walk towards me.  I turn and run out of the gym as fast as I can, slipping my heels of as I run.  I burst through the door that leads to behind the school.  Hoping that I lost him I lean against the brick wall of the school with my face in my hands trying not to cry.  "well, well, well, look who we have here. Not so tough are we know, uh Clove."  Dylan's voice almost mocks.  "Why can't you just leave me alone!" I almost yell.  I just wanted to start over and leave my past, but that is proving to be very difficult.  "Because, Clove, you are mine.  I can't have other guys all over you now can I?" he says grabbing my arm.  I try jerking it away but he tightens his grip. "Ow! Dylan your hurting me!" I whimper.  "Your worthless!" he yells throwing me to the ground and kicking me in my stomach. "Worthless!" he is screaming now.  I feel a fist collide with my cheek and I groan.  All I wanted was to get away from this, thats all I have ever wanted.  My vision starts to blur but I hear a door open and slam shut and yelling.  I hear some screams, maybe Dylan's?  "Clove! Clove, stay awake, come on stay with me!"  It's Cato.  He is gently shaking my shoulders to try to get me to stay awake, but I can't.  Suddenly all I see is black. 

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