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All I see is black, I have no idea where I am.  All I know is my side really hurts and so does my head.  I feel like if I sit up, I will throw up.  Flashbacks of I don't really know when are circulating my memory.  The cold iron grip on my forearm, I feel myself hit the pavment, being yelled at again.  There is someone yelling besides Dylan though, this is different from my other flashbacks, there is actually some to save me this time, but I can't figure out who.  I want to know who, I want to meet this person, say thank you.  I can't though, I can't even open my eyes.  Am I in a coma? I don't remember hitting my head on anything.  I just want to wake up and see Peeta and Sapphire, I want to see my other friends, I want to see Cato.  "Do you think she will wake up soon?"  Peeta voice asks shakely.  Peeta!  I can hear him!  I can hear people!  "I have no idea." Sapphire replies.  I want to yell at them saying I'm awake, I'm awake! But I can't force the words out of my throat, it comes out like a groan, a mangled dying groan.  "Did you hear that?"  Peeta questions.  "Yes, go call a nurse!" Sapphire almost screams at him.  I am trying to tell her to calm down, but again it comes out as a strangled, pained groan.  I hear feet running towards the room, it must be Peeta, no nurse would run to a paitient.  "Is she going to wake up soon?"  Sapphire trys to ask calmly.  "Yes she should be awake before four today."  The nurse replies calmly then, from what I hear, walks out of the room.  " Should I call Cato? He's been worried sick."  Peeta asks Sapphire.  "No lets let her wake up and get home, if I know Clove and trust me I do,  she won't want people making a fuss over her."  Thank goodness for Sapphire.  I feel someone grab my hand, from how big it is it has to be Peeta's.  Finally I feel my eyes fluttering open.  My eyes adjust to the light,  I am in a white room with a T.v. infront of me and a dresser underneath the T.v.. I turn my nek slightly to the left and see Sapphire and Peeta sitting in two chairs next to my bed.  "Gosh why are you such a stalker." I ask Peeta sacrastically.  "Oh my gosh your awake!"  Peeta screams and Sapphire soon fallows suit.  "You've been out cold for two days!" Sapphire yells.  "I have? So its monday then? Or is this the second day?"  I ask confused. "Its monday." Sapphire replies. " When can I go home?"  I ask.  "When ever you feel up to it, but your going to be pretty sore.  You have three broken ribs, and four bruised ones.  Not to mention your face has lots of pretty colors on it."  Sapphire tells me a little to amused for the current situation.  I stick my tounge out at her and she sticks hers out in reply.  "I wanna go home." I whine.  Mainly because I want to see Cato.  "Okay, I brought you some clothes. Once you get changed we can go."  Sapphire says usering Peeta out of the room.  I slide on the pair of  grey sweat pants and a plan red t-shirt.  I find my favorite slipper shoes at the end of my bed and slide my feet into them.  I throw the hospitle gown back onto the bed and exit the room.  I must look like I got hit by a train due to the fact I havn't brushed my hair in two days and make up is probably smeared all over my face.  I will just take a shower when I get home though, as for right now I just want to get out of this hospitle.  " Ready to go?" Sapphire asks when I get out to the waiting room.  I just nod.  

We finally get home and I slowly walk up the stairs to my room, Peeta close behind me making sure I won't fall down the stairs.  Worry wart.  "I'm going to take a shower. I'll be out in ten minuets, make your self comfortable."  I say.  I walk into the bath room, close the door, and turn the shower on hot.  I tak eoff all the gross hospital clothes and step in the shower which feels fantastic.  I  wash and condition my hair, then hop out.  I put on a plum colored sweater that goes almost to my knees and a pair of black leggings.   I walk out of the bathroom brushing my hair.  Peeta smiles and me as I flick my wet hair at him, although it doesn't bother him.  I set my brush down on my dresser grabbing a pair of grey socks that go half way up my calf.  I sit down next to Peeta and try to put my socks on groaning as I try and bend over to reach my foot.  "Want help with that?" Peeta asks.  "Yes please."  I mummble turning around to face him  As he is putting my socks on I ask, "How bad does my face look?"  He finishs putting my socks on then responds, "Not that bad, don't worry."  I laugh a little leaning back on the pillows by the head board.  "Clove you have a visitor!  Catos here to see you, I'm sending him up." Sapphire yells up the stairs.  I look at Peeta horrified. I don't wan Cato to see my like this.  "Please tell him I'm asleep, please Peeta, please!" I beg him. "Fine, but just this once, you know he isn't gonna care about your face."  Peeta replies. " Don't realy care, goodnight!" I say hopping under the covers and laying on my left side so the bruised side of my face can't be seen.  I close my eyes as I hear foot steps getting closer and start making my breathes deeper.  "Shh Clove is sleeping."  Peeta whispers.  "Owh, sorry I didn't know.  How is she doing?" Cato asks.  "She is alright, a little shaken up and self concious."  Peeta replies, and man I really want to kick him.  " Well she has no reason to be." Cato replies.  "Thats what I tryed telling her, but no I don't know anything I'm only the best friend, my opion dosen't matter."  Peeta jokes.  " When should I ask her?'  Cato asks.  Ask me what?  " Soon, thats for sure."  Peeta replies.  "Well I'll come again later, or just like text me when she is awake sometime."  Cato says.  I hear foot steps coming closer to me.  Stay calm Clove, stay calm.  Deep breathes.  I feel his lips touch my cheek for a breif second, then he walks out of the room.  I still can't stop thinking about what he said.  What is he going to ask me?

~I hope you guys liked this chapter!  Comment what you thought!  Thank you :)~

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