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A/N: hey everyone! Thankyou for all of you comments and votes!  I have family coming in this week so I will probably not be able to update untill the 14th :(  I will try to update but I can't make any promises.  Hopefully you won't be to mad!

Break finished and everything has returned back to as normal as it can be, I still get panic attacks sometimes about Dylan but Cato helps me through them.  break was pretty boring except for cato and my friends.  It was especially not boring when Cato told me he saw himself with me in the future!  School is pretty boring but man is there gossip now.  Apperently Gale, a swimmer from the grade above us, has a huge crush on Katniss and tryed to get Peeta suspended earlier this morning.  which may I say was an epic fail, he left a paper trail basically saying it was me, Gale! Glimmers throwing a part at her house tonight, kind of a schools back in and it sucks so lets have fun and not go the next day, party.  Cato is picking me up for it which I am thrilled about.  

Finally, my last class of the day, english.  It is really dull, how to cinstruct a proper essay, come on I learned this like five years ago.  I am just about to doze off when Foxface nudges me. I jolt up and look at her, questioning why her elbow had to keep me from a wonderful nap.  She points to the other side of the room where Marvel and some other kid, one of the new football player is sitting.  I give Foxface a confused look.  Nothing is happening, at all.  then it happens, a crash and some yelling.  They are both yelling so loud that I can not even understand what they are saying.  Our english teacher, Mr. Abernathy could really care less about the fight he just starts talking louder to talk over the uproar.  After about five minuets he must of had enough with figthing because he marched over to the boys gave them one look and they both sat down like dogs with their tails between their legs.  It is very funny to see Marvel out of al the kids with the guilty look.  I will have to ask him what tht was about tonight.  

The bell finally rings and we are set free.  I walk out to my car and drive home.  I don't bother waiting for Cato because I know he has practice right after school.  Once I get home I start to get ready for the party.  I leave my hair down and put on a little make up. I pit on a black flowy dress and white sandles and grab my bag.  ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=127127000 )  I head downstairs to do some home work in the kitchen before Cato comes. I start my home work but i quickly doze off with my head on my english book.  

I feel someone shake my shoulder and I quickly jolt awake.  Cato is standing by my side laughing at me.  "What is your problem." I ask snarkaly, dang I really am tired.  "Jezz, I just thought you would care if we where late to this party."  Cato says and I look to see the time, it's 7:30, the party started thirty minuets ago.  "You couldn't have woken me up sooner?" I groan and hope of the stool I was sitting on.  "Well, I was going to but you look so cute sleeping." Cato says and kisses my cheek.  "Oh well, lets go." I reply and grab my bag in one hand and Cato's hand in my other hand.  We walk out to his car and he opens the door for me, what a gentleman.  

When we get to the party its booming already.  Man it is the biggest party of the year.  We walk in and Cato goes to talk to some of the guys from his team.  I go to find Glimmer and Cashmere.  I spot Glimmer sitting with Marvel.  When she sees me coming she gets up and gives me a hug.  "Hey! I didn't know if I'd be seeing you here!" She says.  "I aways come to your parties silly." I reply.  She just laughs in response.  "Hey is Katniss or Foxface here?" I ask.  'Um, no, it's the biggest party of the year only the most popular get invited." Glimmer replies.  "oh, okay.  I'm going to go find Cato."  I say.  I can't believe that she wouldn't invite Katniss and Foxface.  I find Cato and grab his hand.  he looks to see who grabbed his and and gives me a quick kiss when he sees its me.  

Cato and I leave the party around one in the morning.  "Did you have fun?" Cato asks.  "Yeah I guess." I say yawning.  "Did you?" I add after my yawn.  "Yeah, I always like that party."  Cato replies.  We pull into my drive way and Cato leans over and gives me a kiss, but this one is different than the other ones.  I feel different, in a good way.  He gives me a hug and then I walk inside and head up to my room.  Thank goodness I won't have to go school this morning, I guess.  I am  so extreamly tired. I change into pajamas and hop in bed.  Before I fall asleep I try to figure out why kissing Cato felt so different this time.  Right before I close my eyes I figure it out.  I think I'm in love with Cato. 

A/N: Hey everyone I hope you liked this chapter!  Let me know what you thought! 

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