Prom, yes, no, maybe so?

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I am beyond excited when I see Cato on the sand.  I run to him and hug him and plant a kiss on his lips.  "So can I take it that, that it is a yes?"  Cato asks.  I nod my head furiously.  I didn't think he was actually going to ask me to go to prom with him.  I was expecting to be home the night of prom just watching T.V. and eating ice cream.  Which wouldn't be a bad night, but it was prom, which really only comes twice.  Sapphire comes out of the house and couldn't control her excitement. "You are not even going to prom!"  I joke with her.  "Clove, oh, we have to go dress shopping right away!  And figure everything out! Everyone can stay here afterwords!   Wouldn't that be so fun!"  Sapphire rambled on and on for about ten minutes while Cato and i just stood there.  We slowly started backing away while she kept rambling on.  I couldn't believe that Sapphire got so excited. 

"So how about after prom we go to Marvel's after party?"  Cato suggests.  " I'd totally be down for that."  I reply.  "So can I ask what color your going to wear to prom?"  Cato asks me.  "Uhhh... I'll let you know when I find a dress." I giggle.  "Ughhh, can you hurry up and figure it out..." Cato jokes.  I stick my tongue out at him and he kisses my check gingerly.  Cato walk to the front door and kisses me goodnight before he heads home.  

It takes Sapphire about another ten minutes before she realizes she is talking to thin air and comes inside.  I am sitting on the couch eating mint chocolate chip ice cream and watching a talk show.  "So tomorrow we are going dress shopping."  Sapphire states. I giggle and agree.  I am so excited for prom. 

School goes by fairly quickly, as I am excited for my outing with Sapphire afterwords.  "Hey Clove, I heard Cato asked you to prom!"  Katniss yells excitedly. "Yes, I didn't think it was going to happen!" I reply.  "Well pre-prom at my house?" Katniss asks.  "Sure thing!" I state and head out of the school building.  I get in my car and drive to the mall where I meet Sapphire in on of the dress stores.  "So Clove, what is the theme this year?"  She asks me.  "Uhh, enchanted forest?" I reply.  "Is that a question or an answer?" Sapphire replies.  "Kinda both." I giggle and start looking through the dresses.  Sapphire pulls a couple of designer dresses.  I try a few of them on but don't love any of them.   I pull one that is a two piece dress.  I don't think I will love it but its worth trying on.  The top is hot pink lace and the skirt is white with pink roses covering it.  I show it to Sapphire and she loves it.  I am rushed back into the changing room to try it on.  I put the skirt on first and then put the top on. Instantly I am in love with the duo.  I walk out to show Sapphire.  When she turns around she starts squealing, "Clove that looks perfect on you!" I am not used to wearing this feminine of clothing.  But for some reason I love it.  Hands down it's my dress.  

It wasn't like we had a tone of time to dress shop due to the fact Cato took so long to ask me to prom.  Prom is this coming Saturday, so I have like zero time to get ready for the event.  But somehow the week flies by.  Finally it's Saturday morning and I am walking up to Katniss's door to get ready for the event.  Cato wasn't to thrilled about the pink but he is being a sport about it.  Katniss, Foxy, Johanna, Annie and I are all getting ready.  I have no idea what Glimmer and Cashmere are doing tonight.  I don't even know if they will be at prom, although I am pretty sure Marvel asked Glimmer to prom.  

First we get our hair done.  I curl mine and style it with a half up half down.  Two braids connect at the back of my head making almost a crown on my head.  Katniss puts her's up in a sleek pony tail, Johanna has her hair straightened and framing her face.  Foxy did beach waves for her hair. Annie has the cutest hair style.  She has a braid running on the side of her head running into a lower bun and her bangs add to the style.  For my make-up I do a nude and pink eye with pink lipstick that matches some of the roses on my dress.  We finally are in the process of putting our dresses on.  Katniss is wearing a black mermaid dress that has some beading on it and makes her look like a goddess.  Johanna has on a little more of an edgy look.  Her dress is bright red with an open back and some rhinestones on it.  Foxy is wearing a mossy green dress that makes her red hair look even redder.  It is a strapless simple dress that makes her look beautiful.  Annie is wearing a navy blue dress that is a one shoulder and flows beautifully.  Once we are finally all dressed and made up we only have about an hour for pictures.  

We walk down the stair and all the boys are already here.  We go out into Katniss's back yard where there is a cherry tree and take about a hundred or more pictures before we get going to the prom.  "You look beautiful." Cato whispers in my ear.  "Awe, thanks babe, you look very handsome yourself." I say and kiss his cheek, careful to not get any lipstick on him.  We all get into our different cars and head over to the venue.  

It is beautiful, some of it is outside and some of it is inside.  The outside is decorated with fairy lights and for more relaxing and hanging out with friends.  Most of the dancing I assume is done inside.  Once we get inside everything is decorated so beautifully.  There are roses and flowers everywhere.  Somehow they where able to transplant a forest into the venue.  I couldn't believe i was actually here.  I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Cato.  "May I have this dance?"  He asks. 

A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter.  Clove's prom outfit is in the exterior link :) Please comment and vote!  So sorry I have not updated recently.  School is kind of kicking my butt... But hopefully I will be writing a little more than recently.  I am going to try my best to give you guys weekly updates as much as I can! 

-Love Liz

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