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A/N: So sorry I'm updating late again!  Over 100 reads thats awsome! Thank you all so much!  This week I'm going to be updating on Wednesday, so an early update!  Hope you enjoy this chapter!

My heart stops, okay maybe thats a little mellow dramatic, but still I'm elated! "Um, yes!"  I almost yell.  Cato just laughs and gives me a hug.  I never thought of that we actually weren't an officle couple until now.  Cato leans in to kiss me, I smile into the kiss.  I honestly have never been this happy in my life.  "Ew, I didn't want to see that!"  I hear someone yell.  Cato and I quickly break the kiss and look down to see who was yelling.  It is Katniss.  "Mind your own business." Cato yells.  Katniss just chuckles.  "Well teachers are asking where you are especially Mr. Flickerman, he has you Clove in like three classes, he knows your skipping."  Katniss says in her know it all voice.  "I'll just tell him I felt sick. It's not a complete lie" I tell her with a smirk.  Katniss laughs and motions us to come with her.  Cato stands and offers me his hand, I grab it and he pulls me to my feet.  We fallow Katniss inside the building off to another boring class.

We walk to my class with Mr.Flickerman, public speaking, and ato gives me a small kiss before he goes of to his class.  I open the door to the class room trying not to be noticed. However all heads turn to me entering the room.  "Miss Clove thank you for making the bold choice of going us today.  Practice your public speaking skills and kindly inform us on why you are late."  Mr.Flickerman demands coldly.  "I was not feeling well and was at the nurse."  I say calmly.  "Fine, take a seat next to our new student Dylan." Mr.Flickerman says looking down at his class notes.  I am hoping Dylan is a more common name than I thought it was.  When I look to where Mr. Flickerman is pointing I am sadly mistaken.  I feel bile rising in my throat but I choke it down forcing myself to maintian composer.  I walk over and sit down, moving the chair as far away from him as possible and not acknowlaging his presense.  "Aw, is Clovey having issues today."  Dylan asks in a baby voice.  If he only knew the will power it is taking not to curse him out right here and now.  I try to ignore him for the rest of class, pretending I don't hear his degrading comments.  Class finally finishes and I waiste no time in leaving the room.  I only have one class left, Art with ms.Trinket.  Then I can leave.  

Art is finally over and I am walking to my locker when Cashmere and GLimmer come to talk to me.  "Clove we are having a part tonight you in?"  Glimmer asks.  I debate because it i a school nigh, but what the heck I could use a good destraction.  "I'm in. What time and where?"  I ask.  "My house, seven o'clock, see you then."  Glimmer says waling away with Cashmere fallowing her like a puppy.  Once I grab everthing from my locker I quickly make my way out of the school and start my walk home.  Katniss comes up  beside me and starts walking with me.  'Have you seen Peeta today?" I ask.  "Um, no I actually havn't thats strange." Katniss replies.  We make small talk for a little longer untill we head our seperate ways to get home.  I walk through the door to find Sapphire already cooking dinner.  "Wow, Sapphire I have never seen you actually cooking!" I say.  "Well you know Gloss right, your friends with his little sister.  He is coming over for dinner tonight so yeah, thats why I'm actually cooking."  Sapphire says frazzled.  "well I'm going to a party tonight, so I have to go do homework and get ready." I say walking up the stairs.  I set my bag down at my desk and open my computer and start writing my biology resurch paper for Mrs. Everden.  

After about two hours of working on the paper I get up and start to get dressed.  I chose a navy blue knit swater a pair of short shorts and browm ankle boots ( http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=122386319 ).  I throw my hair up into a pony tail and re- touch my make-up before I grab my phone and head out the door.  Glimmer's house is only a two minuet walk but I still give myself five minuets to get there.  I am the first one there besides Glimmer and Cashmere.  "Hey girl, I'm so glad you could come!" Cashmere almost yells.  A laugh a little but before I can say anything else the door bell rings again.  Glimmer runs to get the door and when she comes back in I immedietly feel like throwing up.  Dylan is with her.  Let the party begin.

~I hope you all liked it.  Please leave your comments on what you liked or didn't like! Thanks again and sorry it's a shorter chapter.~

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