When I Grow Up

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Peeta and I walk through the hallway to the career fair.  A room full of different jobs that may catch your eye.  How should I know what I want to do when I grow up? I have not even picked a college yet, let alone finished applying to all of the colleges I want to.  We enter the room with gold and red balloons all over.  There are rows and rows of tables set up, with many different people at them.  Today, grades 11 and 12 get off, if and only if, they go to the career fair.  Even if it is just for five minutes.  So why not?
"Clove, come over here!" Peeta yells at me.  He is standing at a bakery table.  "Peeta, can you even bake?" I ask laughing at him.  "As a matter of fact I can!" Peeta retorts grabbing a business card off of the table.  We walk down the row a little farther when I see an art studio's booth.  I wish I had a shred of artistic talent but I do not.  We pass a few more booths that do not interest me at all, like: accounting, teaching, and dentistry. I can barley stand the sound of a drill when I'm there twice a year. 
After another thirty minutes of Peeta and I walking around we decide to leave.  Peeta, by this time, has over fifty business cards that he is shoving in his back pack, trying to decide at the moment what he wants to do with the rest of his life.  I on the other hand, only have one card in my hand, a engineering card.  I however, do not have the desire to decide my destiny right now. 
"Hey Clove, I'm having a bonfire tonight, you should come." Katniss says to me as Peeta and I are walking out of the gym. "Sure, I'll be there! Your house I assume?" I reply. Katniss smiles and nods.  Her and Peeta head towards Peeta's car.  I start to wonder if Katniss picked up any cards.  She probably did, she has it all together. 
By the time I reach Katniss's house the temperature has dropped about ten degrees.  I walk around her house to the back yard.  The fire is going and so is the music.  "Clove! Your here!" Katniss yells. I giggle to her reaction I didn't think she liked me that much. Peeta is already here, so is Foxy, and Annie.  I don't know if Cato was invited.  Maybe I should have? I quickly forget my thought train when I hear splashing.  Everyone already here is running into the water.  I start running to John them.

A/N: hope you guys like it! Please comment what you like and vote! I'll update when I have 2 comments!

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