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A/N: hey so I am writing this chapter from my phone so I am sorry if there are more spelling errors than normal!

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. I then over to turn my alarm clock off but instead my hand hits a table and splashes a glass a water onto the floor. I open my eyes and realize I'm not in my room , I am in a Hospitle room.  I feel fine I don't know why I would Be in here.  "Oh, good, your awake." A nurse says to me as she walks in the room and checks my blood pressure. "Why am I here? I shouldn't I be at school?" I ask. "Well honey you where in a car accident yesterday. You have been out of it for a day, you have a concussion and some bruised ribs.  Nothing is serious but we want to keep an eye in you just to be safe." The nurse replies.  I nod in response. " By the way, there have been some of your friends here to see you they left about an hour ago and said they would be back tonight." The nurse informs me. "Thank you." I say as she is leaving the room.  No doubt it was Peeta and Katniss who came.  I doubt Cato would come, he is probably still mad about everything with Marvel and honestly I am still to mad at him for kissing Glimmer to go back to him right now. 

Its now 5:30 and nobody has come yet, I don't mind it though its nice to have some peace and quiet for a change.  I turn the t.v. on and watch re-runs of a show I haven't seen before.  After another half hour the same nurse comes back in, gives me a sad smile, and gives me my dinner. I thank her and start to pick at my dinner, not being very hungry at the moment. 

After another hour of boredom I start to direct off to sleep. "Guys I told you we should have come earlier!" I hear someone whisper shout. I continue to pretend to be asleep, because who doesn't love hearing what people say about you when you are sleeping. "I'm sorry I just thought she wouldn't  like to see me right now." I hear Cato say. Your right I don't want to see you.  "Peeta said he is coming to stay with her tonight, since both her dad and sister are out of town." That's why they are not here, I guess they told me and I was just to caught up in other things.  "Marvel, do you really like her?" Cato asks. " I would be lying if I said no. But you know that it will always be you she goes back to in the end." Marvel replies.  You don't know that Marvel. They stay for about an hour where they talk about life, why Marvel and Glimmer broke up in the first place, and more stuff that's irrelevant before they head home. 

I wonder if Peeta will come tonight? I turn the t.v. on again. I can not wait to get out of this hospital, its so boring. 

Peeta finally comes in after another hour. "Hey Clove, how are you doing?" Peeta asks. " I'm good how are you?" I reply. "I'm fantastic!" Peeta replies. I can't help but laugh at how excited he gets for no reason.  We talk about random stuff for an hour or so before it gets large and then the deep conversation start.

"So Clove, do you really like Marvel, or is it just an act?"  Peeta asks me.

"I think I like him"

A/N: hope you guys liked this chapter! Please leave you comments, what you did or didn't like! I'll probably update by friday , but I can't promise anything.

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