And yet another!

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Hi, hi, hi everyone!
How are you all? I hope you all are in the pinkest of your health!

Oh God, I cannot even express how much I have missed you all!
People often wonder how you can miss someone whom you haven't even met. Of course, you can! You don't need any physical, real life proofs to establish a connection with people.
It's just...there.
I have missed writing obviously, but more than that, I have missed your lovely responses and comments on the same; and how I would be roaming around with a wide, goofy smile on my face for the whole day when I encountered a heartfelt comment from any one of you <3

And so, this loss of connection became unbearable and I came back.
Back to my home (go ahead and call it cringey, but it is what it is XD)

So, I have released a new book, called, 'Amidst A Thousand Suns', the cover of which is visible on the picture above.
This beautiful cover is made by the most talented girl I have known, Not_So_hooman, girl believe me when I say this, you are the best. PERIODT. <3
(I have given the proper credits in the preface of the book hehe)

It's not a proper fanfiction, BUT, But, but, it has Ajey Nagar as an important character too. As it is not revolved around his and only his life, I cannot put it under the genre of 'FanFiction', and so for the time being, I have put it under, 'General Fiction'

Consider this story as a tale of not how the female protagonist affects Ajey's life, but how the mere existence of Ajey does to someone whom he hasn't even heard of :)

Do give it a read if you are up for it, and when you do that, don't forget to tell me how you thought about it!

So, yeah! That's it!

Lots of love,
Me ❤️

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