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I was sitting in Kentrells bed waiting for his baby mama to come. Her name like Star I think. I ain't never met this girl a day in my life but let's see. His kids name is like Kamiri.
Kentrell: "baby come down here" he yelled from downstairs.
I walked down the stairs and looked at the door. Ain't no way that's Star. I looked at her and tried to hold in my laugh but jeez.
Kentrell: "Hennessy this my baby momma Star"
Star; "I am the mother of your child not baby momma"
Henny: "hi nice to meet you"
Star: "hey, you're pretty"
Henny: "thank you"
I would complement her back but not when she lookin a mess.
Kamiri came over and hugged my leg looking up at me. I Really hate kids but I just smiled at him.
Kentrell: "Ight get off ha leg and go upstairs"
Star: "where Kacey"
Kentrell: "he comin"
Star: "so Hennessy you live here?"
Henny: "no"
Star: "hmm okay, so Kentrell why you tell me to come here"
Kentrell: "this my girl and I need y'all to all get along ion need no more fighting or nun of that"
Star: "well I guess we can all get along, you gon take care of my baby?"
Henny: "who me?"
Star; "yeah, if you gon be with Kentrell you gon have to watch the kids"
Henny; "that ain't-"
Kentrell: "Ight Star shut yo ass up and go in the kitchen"
She sucked her teeth and walked into the kitchen. I know she don't think I'm bout to be the new babysitter cuz nahh.
Kentrell: "Jania and Yaya bout to come to"
Henny: "mmcht"
Kentrell: "I'm telling you now don't put yo hands on nobody in front of my kids"
Henny: "yeah whatever, keep them bitches in check then"
Kentrell: "mane shut up" he kissed me then walked to the kitchen. I sat at the table with Star and went onto my phone.
Star: "so how you and Kentrell meet"
Henny: "he's my best friends brother so we been knew each other"
Star; "aww that's so cute, I met him at this party a couple years ago and yk drinks was flowing and he got me pregnant"
Yeah he had to of been drunk to fuck her.
Henny: "yeah that's Wsp"
Jania: "Kentrell why ain't you tell me this bitch was gon be here"
Kentrell: "sit tf down and shut up"
Kacey: "dada"
Kentrell held him and came over to me.
Kacey mugged me then looked back at his mom. Alright lil nigga.
Jania: "ughh you wanna fight again or sum"
Henny: "I'm on whatever you on"
Jania: "common let's go outside"
Kentrell: "mane cut that shit out, Jania go sit yo ass over there with Kacey"
Jania did what he said and Yaya walked in.
Yaya: "mane Kentrell you made me drive all the way here for what"
Kentrell: "listen y'all all gotta cut that fighting shit out, be friends and stfu"
Jania: "your bitch the one that starting shit"
Yaya: " right she stay be running her mouth"
Henny: "nahh y'all bitches the one that be on lil ole me but when I beat the shit outta y'all you wanna act like it's my fault"
Jania: "who you beat the shit out of"
Henny; "want me to remind you?"
Jania: "see Kentrell it's her"
Yaya: " she's so aggressive, ion want my baby around that"
Star: "it seems like y'all the problem"
Jania: "shut yo ugly ass tf up"
Yaya: "right ugly bitch"
Henny; "Girl stfu, you can't be callin no one ugly when you lookin like that"
Yaya: "wait till I drop this baby, I'm coming right for you"
Henny: "bitch I'll fuck you up right now, fuck yo ba"
Kentrell: "Hennessy go upstairs"
Henny: "mmcht I ain't even do nun"
Jania: "you was bout to say fuck that baby, like it's not yo boyfriends baby to"
Yaya: "fuck my baby? Bitch are you dumb"
Kentrell: "Hennessy what I tell you"
Yaya: "yeah put her in check Kentrell"
Henny: "Kentrell I'm trying to be nice but these bitches is fuckin with me"
Kentrell: "just don't say shit"
Kacey hopped off the couch and came over to me.
Kacey: "mama she's pretty, you lied"
I smiled at him and gave him a hug.
He sat next to me with his I pad and laid his head on my lap.
Jania: "mane Kentrell get him off her cuz if I go near her it's gon be a problem"
Kentrell: "nah the kids bouta get used to her being around"
Star: "tell K3 come downstairs"
K3: "mommy I'm in the kitchen"
Star: "come here baby"
He sat next to me and Star and tbh these kids ain't that bad yet.
Jania: "listen I understand that you and Kentrell together or whatever and I'm gon respect that but I still don't like you"
Yaya: "yeah me to"
This bitch like a lil puppy dog.
Henny: "that's fine, we don't gotta like each other but we gon be around each other so let's just keep it at that"
Jania: "fine"
Star: "are the kids staying here tonight!"
Kentrell: "yeah, y'all can go"
Yaya: "Kentrell the baby shower is next mf week, you better be there"
Kentrell: "mmcht"
They all walked out after saying their goodbyes to the kids. 
The kids went up stairs to their rooms and was watching tv together.

Henny: "you got anymore kids you wanna tell me about"
Kentrell: "mmcht no"
Kentrell: " you gon let me put a baby in you"
Kentrell: "mmcht why not"
Henny: "are you dumb? 4 fucking kids"
Kentrell: "mane that ain't nothin, I want like 10 kids"
Henny: "not by me" I whispered
Kentrell: "you gon have my babies just watch"
Henny; "I feel like thats a threat"
Kentrell: "baby it's a promise"

I rolled my eyes at him and sat on the bed.

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