Chapter VI: A Stride For One's Faith

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As I got hit by a mysterious person with a baseball bat, I laid unconscious on the floor and next thing I know I was confined in a hospital room two days later. I heard Marcus by the door, guessing I was in St Luke's. I saw him on a wheelchair towards me but with a face that looks disappointed on me.

: June 26, 2024  5:56pm.

"William..." Gritting his teeth in disappointment.

"I was ambushed, I didn't act fast enough." I explained.

"You were trained for ambush attacks like that William!" He exclaimed. "And you can't even fend off a single man, what happens if Blossom was kidnapped? You're just going to stay still, shake it off like it was nothing?" He added.

"That attack wasn't anything serious to begin with."

"And why is that?! Huh?!" He asked.

"It's because I can't fight! Not anymore." I exclaimed. "As soon as I got cursed, I vowed to him I won't use these powers for personal use. Meaning, I can't fight either."

"But if it's for Blossom? Would you fight for her?" He asked.

"I would." I replied.

He observed me closely. "Judging from the looks of it, you healed faster than expected."

"Did I?" I asked.

"You were expected to be out of here in three to six weeks." He said. "Off you go then."

I stood up then pushed Marcus back to his room, he saw the doctor who treated me along the way saying that I was already healed. He discharged me and I paid my fee for medication, as I was paying, I saw the girls at the entrance with their shocked faces looking at me like I was good as new when I just got hit by a bat two days ago.

"Hey, you're out already?" Lucy asked.

"Somehow, yes." I replied.

"That was quite a speedy recovery." Luna said.

"Oh right, Will the principal wants you at her office tomorrow morning." Chloe said.

"Why?" I asked

"She wants to know who did this to you." Chloe explained.

"I don't know much, but I'll try."

"We'll take you home, Blossom's been worried sick of you." Eleanor said.

"She was?" I asked

"Of course she was, dummy." Sam said as she smacked my head with a plastic bottle. 

I scratched my head. "W-Well then, take me home."

The girls took me home, back to Blossom, back to my- I mean. My friend, she was sitting in the living room looking so worried. When I entered the front door, she stood up and ran to me giving a really tight hug.

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