Chapter XXXV: The Art Of War Part I

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A/N: But first let's go to the present time.

Blossom hugged me for no reason whatsoever. "W-What's the matter?" I asked.

"You've been through a lot these past two years, killing your late friends just because you had no other choice since they betrayed you." She replied.

"This is the reason why I rarely trust people around me nowadays, things just couldn't be the same if you had such a traumatic experience."

"Do you trust me? We've been friends long enough too; you've known the real me and I've been knowing the real you." She asked.

"I-I guess, I mean, I got used to how you're treating me like someone who's been in a relationship though we're just friends." I replied.

She then kissed me on my forehead. "How's that for your pretend girlfriend?"

I blushed so hard I turned into a tomato. "U-U-Uh, p-please don't be affectionate to me."

"Why?" She looks annoyed.

"I-I really can't say..."

"Just get back to the story." She really is annoyed.


: Backstory Time

We obtained the twenty cannons from that smuggler's outpost the old man was talking about and sailed on our way to Nassau, it's about midnight just as the old man said we should be sailing about so we wouldn't be caught by the Spanish or British Navy roaming to Nassau. An hour passed by when we left the outpost I saw a mist from the bow, I got worried for a minute and alerted the men.

"Shut your traps lads and listen." I commanded.

"What is it captain?" They asked.

"Don't you hear a ship sailing nearby?"

"How can you tell?" Rhett asked.

"With this fog its hard to see a ship sailing, but hearing her tread through water is something to be vigilant for." I replied.

"Aye she could be a man o' war waiting for us to be seen so she could fire her guns at us."

A/N: A short moment of third point of view.

"Sir we've been spotted by that ship." A crew mate said.

"Open our gunports and await for my orders to fire, she must not live to tell the tale of our existence." The captain replied.

The enemy ship opened her gunports and the crew awaits their captain's orders.

"We're aligned with her sir!"


A/N: Back to first POV.

I heard cannon fire from afar. "PREPARE FOR IMPACT!!"

We dealt with cannon fire and few of the shots penetrated through the ship, she must've shot heavy shots on her cannons.

"CAPTAIN WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK!!" Rhett exclaimed.

"How can we fight what we can't see? Now hush for a minute." I commanded.

Everyone stood silent. "Broadside cannons at the ready."

"Aye captain!" The crew prepares  the broadside cannons for battle.

I heard a loud splash on the port side. "PORT SIDE AT THE READY!!!"

It was at this moment that I knew, a ship rose under the sea. "FIREEEEE!!!"

We fired all of our loaded shots to the enemy ship and dealt with heavy damage to her keel, we managed to escape but her bow spat fire to our hull causing it to ignite. We sailed away with all the wind we can get and got away from the mysterious type of ship that had risen under the sea, we arrived at Nassau in the morning and encountered a lot of ships anchored at bay. It's very unusual for us because there's not much ships that comes and go to Nassau, there must be something going on.

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