Chapter XII: A Love That Is Protected

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I got my hidden blades and placed it in my bag, along with extra clothes just in case. I called out a Grab instead of vanishing in thin air to preserve my energy, I eventually reached my destination, Rizal Park.

"With these many people around us it'll be hard for us to practice." He said.

I proceeded to a place where no people could see me nor enter which is near the Japanese garden.

This is where we got found by my dad for trespassing, sure does bring back some good memories of  2019

"What did you do?" He asked.

We were on a fieldtrip that day then some of us decided to break out of the line, we went here to hide but we found this garden. Got found out afterwards though, man those were some good memories.

"Alright, enough with your blabbering and let's train already."

I started to release 10% of my strength yet unfortunately, it was insufficient. 

Damn! It's harder than I thought.

"Your 10% of strength already comes from you jackass." He mocked.

You could've told me sooner?

"My minimum amount is at 20%. Try to control it."

I secreted 35% of my power and it finally worked, I was able to move at a faster rate but at a minimum amount of power.

"Good! With this power you can take out an entire squadron, now with this amount you can usually be agile but it's up to you how you'll be able to use it."

What's the maximum limit?

"About 75% once you master all of  my techniques, DO NOT use the rest; it'll strain your body and possibly, you will die."

"Every power has its limits, and every strength has its weakness. So don't just charge in a fight thinking you're the strongest of them all like last time, know your own limits."

I know I know. I replied.

"Jones made deals with other individuals before, be careful not to run into them. For they're far more dangerous and powerful than you."

You better stop talking now or we came here for nothing.

I trained myself to use and master this malediction for an hour and forty-five minutes, but I only can use 25% at most. I barely passed out for losing stamina too fast, maybe I am out of shape? I drank water to a nearby water fountain to replenish my fluids.

I sighed out of exhaustion. I managed to hold after twenty times of channeling my inner self.

"You did well, but we have one more thing to do before we leave."

: Flash Back

Is there anything to avoid getting injuries?

"None, injuries are normal William but to avoid getting hurt too much use your legs in your advantage. Speed is your main specialty in combat, I know you used to train your leg muscles before but this time you'll have to put them in shape once more."

: End of Flashback

I dashed in different places with an absurd amount of speed that the wind is barely even blowing form the impacts, I lost control of my movement which temporarily paralyzed my legs from moving. Thankfully, I stopped near the bushes with no people around me.

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