Chapter XI: The Lovers Contract

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: July 1, 2024 12:00am.

The moonlit shines bright as the white sparkles flow into the air, I stepped out to the veranda waiting for Jones to show. I heard the voice in my head that speaks for the soul that once heard of the name.

"Be careful of who you're facing William, this man is neither good or evil." He said.

"This man helped us before, I trust him." I replied.

"In exchange for your soul? William remember, he helped you because he made a deal with you."

"Then I'll have to pay the price." I said.

I turned around to see Jones in his human form and with his formal outfit in disguise, he seems to have something to talk about other than taking my soul and putting it in a jar for safe keeping.

"Long time no see, William." He said.

"Yes, it has been a long time indeed." I replied.

"You know why I'm here, right?"

"You've come to take my soul as payment for what I've done and be part of your dead crew?" I answered.

"You've broken your accord yes, but for the right reason." He replied.

"Tell me, have you found someone that you love? Someone who's worth the risk?" He asked.

I was shocked. "W-What?"

"To get to the point, it's Marcus' sister... Blossom."

"Of course he knows, but why is he talking about her?"

"That's why I'm here, to talk about her and much more than it seems." 

"Can you describe her mate?" He asked.

I got nervous. "W-Well first of all, she's the most beautiful girl I've seen, she has the greatest smile that healed my bad times, fought her own battles, had some scars but never gave up." I described.

"She seems perfect for a guy like you." He said.

"S-She deserves someone better." I replied as I lightly broke my own heart.

"You're already someone better, but was she definitely worth saving?" He asked.

"For me, yeah, she was definitely worth it. I sacrificed myself once more to save someone deeply precious to me." I replied.

"How could I take you with me at this point if you've already found love?" 

"How come you knew I saved her?"

"Once he spoke, it triggered a part of our agreement." He explained.

"Who's he?" 

"It's me William, Jones told me this agreement years ago before. When I still had my body attached to my soul, but he didn't tell me why I had it. Once I got the condition, I could no longer speak and torn apart from my body, until now."

"Now then, our agreement has already started and the only thing needed for you to have these abilities by me, I'll explain this before I form a spell." He said.

"I'm listening." I replied.

"I would call our agreement... The Lovers Contract. The Lovers Contract is an agreement in which a certain attraction of a person, romantically generates full control of this malediction rather than using negative feelings to execute the process. Unlike in the encounter with you and her, the anathema lies the same as the past but somehow you managed to hold back at someone. With this contract; you'll be able to use your strength at your own will, to protect her, cherish her, and fight for her." He explained.

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