Chapter XXV: A Promise To Be Remembered

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Present Time

"So, you became privateers and merchants the same time you and my brother owned a plantation in Tortuga?" She said.

"Yes, we also gained a lot from it." I replied.

"So this means my brother was rich?"

"He was, until Billy took over as captain and endangered the lives of men he lead."

"You must've gone through a lot of hardships under Billy's command?" She asked.

"Yes I had but after sometime I became captain and shared some of the riches he'd earned." I replied.

"How much did you gave him?"

"About, 2.5 million pesos."

"YOU GAVE HIM THAT MUCH?!?!" She exclaimed.

"Well, it's a large share I should give for having him work real hard for that plantation." I said.

"Thank you, we can now pay for my brother's surgery." She replied.

"He didn't have surgery yet?"

"The company my dad owned hasn't been earning much these days even after you saved me from the clutches of those Hernandez, we got our company back though thanks to you."

"Hmm, I'll take care of his surgery bill." I said.

"Huh? R-Really?"

"He's a good friend of mine and I have a debt to pay to him."

She hugged me real tight. "Thank you! So much, I won't forget this."

"Now, I'll tell the part how I almost lost Marcus."

Backstory Time

: December 5, 2022

It's winter in Charleston, we're in the freezing cold of South Carolina and we're not wearing any warm clothes to fight the freezing weather. Rhett and I were assigned to collect medical supplies from an apothecary.

"Damn it's cold." Rhett said.

"Let's just get to the apothecary, they must have a fireplace or something that'll keep us warm." I replied.

A few minutes later, we found the apothecary and went inside. "So warm!" Rhett said

"Can we stay right here for like, forever?" I replied.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" An employee asked.

"Oh, we came to collect medical supplies to deliver to Barbados." Rhett replied.

"Ah, you must be those merchants, come with me."

"Please take your time, we don't want to go outside again in the freezing cold." I said.

They chuckled. "Alright then."

We got the package and went back to the freezing death of winter. "Ugh! It's so cold!"

"Let's make a run for it?" I asked.

"Bad idea, if we run we'll die from exhaustion especially in this weather because we may have fluid loss from our lungs." He explained.

"Let's just walk then." I replied.

We got back to the Pearl ten minutes later. "Why did you two took so long?" Marcus asked.

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