Chapter III: A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"Long time no see, William." He said

"Been a while, Marcus." I replied having a huge grin on my face for after all these years, I finally found my old friend confined in this hospital. After two years he's still the same man as the one I met before, yet bedridden and barely able to stand. I'm still glad I get to see him once.

"I was expecting to be called "Captain Marcus?" Have you forgotten already?" He asked.

"Come on now, it's been two years and you still expect me to call you that?" I replied.

"I only wanted to hear it from my best helmsman, but it was two years ago ever since."

"Do you have some water here?" I asked. "I got thirsty for trying to find your room."

"Here." He reached out his hand to grab a bottle of water then gave it to me, all of the sudden he tried to smell my arm. I quickly retracted and shouted. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Nothing." He softly said. I drank the water he gave and he suddenly blurted out. "So, you met my sister."

I choked on the water after I heard what he said that I can't stop coughing and dripping the water on the floor.

"Sorry, y-you had a younger sister?" I asked.

"Yeah, Blossom, Blossom Reyes; do you know her?"

Shock is all over my face when I heard her name come out of Marcus's mouth, not knowing that a beautiful lovely girl like would be the younger sister of my captain all along.


"Got a problem?" He said with a smug look on his face.

"N-No, I was just shocked that she's the sibling of a "caring brother" like you."

"Sounds sarcastic, I am a caring brother Will, that's why I'm here today." He said.

"By the way, how'd you know? That I met her, I mean." I asked.

"Your smell, when I sniffed you, I smelled the perfume that Blossom uses all the time. So I thought, you must've met her."

Wow, what a creep.

"Isn't she beautiful?" He asked.

"U-Umm, yes. She wouldn't be popular if she's that beautiful?" I replied, having a flustered face while blushing that I can't contain.

"I see that you're charmed by her, Want her to be your girlfriend?"

I chucked. "I don't know man, I-I mean you are her older brother a-and she's famous in school that everybody wants to claim her."

He sighed. "You were always just like an open book Will, tsk tsk tsk." He said as he nodded sideways. "But, she rejects them all am I right?"

"Yeah, I know how that's going to feel, being the center of attention and all."

"That's not the reason why." He said. "The reason is that she's looking for someone, someone that she wants to be contented with, and someone to understand her true feelings." He added.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as he crossed his arms afterwards. "Blossom, had a past she mostly wants to forget. Wanna hear a story?"

I nodded, so eager to hear what her life had in store in a form of a story. "Sure."

'Well, we used to be a rich family, they said if you had money you have no problems? Ours is the opposite, something about our family is that our financial stability had some problems. Problems that caused us to sink in full of debts. It went to the point where my mom started to get depression, of course we couldn't afford therapy due to our problems in the first place. My dad tried his best paying the debts but it ended up getting worse as time goes by. Months after that, our mom went insane and we ended up seeing something we shouldn't see."

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