Chapter XXVIII: A New Leader Is Born

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It was the crack of dawn, the sunlight was glimmering around the room as soon as I woke up. I got out of bed and smelled something delicious, I saw Andrew cooking breakfast so I went to the kitchen to try and help him.

"Good morning William, had a good night's sleep?" He asked.

"Aye I never had a sleep like those in ages." I replied. "May I help?"

"No I got this, you just sit and wait at the dining room and food will be ready shortly."

I sat down in the dining room waiting for the food to be cooked, as minutes pass by the food finally arrived. 

"It's been ages since I had someone to eat with me." Andrew said.

"And it's been ages since I had decent food such as this." I chuckled.

The room stood silent as we ate our foods until one of us asks a question. "So who's the new captain of your vessel?" Andrew asked.

"It's supposed to be me a few months ago, but the jealousy of Billy got the better of him and took my reserved position away from me." I replied.

"Now that he's dead and no one else is capable of leading the ship, are you now her captain?"

"Aye but I don't think I'm ready." 

"If you think you're not ready, it's not wrong to ask guidance from someone who you trust the most." He said.

"T-Thank you for the advice sir." I replied.

"Finished with your breakfast? Put your dishes on to the sink and come with me, I've got something to show you."

I placed my dishes on to the sink as soon as I was done eating then followed Andrew to a room where there's a huge vault across it.

"What's inside?" I asked.

"This is what we've earned for the last six months." He replied.

As he opened the vault, I saw lots of gold and silver combined, chests filled with so much valuable loots. I thought to myself there was so much gold and silver that it compares to how much a Spanish Treasure Galleon carries throughout her expedition in the Caribbean.

"How much is all of this?" 

"If I estimated it, it's about two hundred and fifty-seven thousand reales."

"Is this all Marcus's profit?" I asked again.

"Aye indeed, we keep our share in a different vault for the improvement of our plantation. This was for Marcus and now, I shall give it to you." He replied.

"T-T-Thank you for your generosity sir but, I can't take all of this."

"Aren't you the captain of your own vessel now?" Why aren't you wearing those fancy captain's clothing?"

He sighed and gave me three and a half bag of reales. "Here is some money, we'll fill it up again so go on, buy new clothes that's fit for a captain, new weapons, and to pay the costs of repairs of your vessel."

"I don't know how to repay you." I said.

"It's simple you should export the products that's made in this plantation and sell them to different markets in different cities around the Caribbean." He replied.

"I should be going, my crew's waiting for me."

"Take care now kid!"

I left the plantation then went back to town to find some new clothes and weapons.

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