Chapter XVII: No Time To Lose

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Ms. Miranda and I went to class and four hours later it's lunch time, I headed to the cafeteria to get lunch and some coffee. Few minutes later I get joined by the girls along with Zel and Aiden.

"Hey Will, may we sit?" Lucy asked.

"Sure." I replied.

"We brought Aiden and Zel with us." Luna said.

"Hey dude, been a while."


"Oh hey, what's up?" I greeted them.

"They're coming along with the others." Chloe said.

"Really? T-Thank you." I replied.

"I got an SUV so I'll drive us there."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

"You're not the only one who misses Blossom." Zel said.

"I know." I may have missed her too much but I can't help but feel bad for them too.

"What do you miss about Blossom Will?" Eleanor asked.

"I don't know, maybe the way how she always clings to me." I replied.

"Aww! What else?" Chloe said.

Goddammit you're killing me woman.

"U-Umm, the way she really cares about me? I-I-I don't know any more, that's just what we do."

"Aww, that's so sweet and no matter what, we'll find her." Sam said.

"Who knew when Blossom asked us about that one question." Zel replied.

"What question?" I asked.

"Well... nevermind." 

She's hiding something from me again.

: Bell rang.

"We'll see you in 7:00pm Will!" Eleanor said.

"Sure thing!" I replied.

We all head back to our classrooms to listen on to more lessons. Four hours later, I went home to freshen up and get dressed for my part-time job, for no reason at all I went inside Blossom's room. I don't know why but for some reason my brain wanted me to recall the memories Blossom and I had together when she was still here with me, I snapped out of it and got to work as early as I can. An hour later, I got there with Camille and Ryan waiting in the staff room.

"Oh hey Will." Ryan said.

"Hey William." Camille greeted.

"Where's the boss?" I asked.

"In the back, carrying the supply of wine the delivery guy's here to pick up." Ryan replied.

I went to the backdoor to see my manager. "Sir, do you need help?"

"A little bit, come here." He ordered.

I helped to carry the boxes on to the truck's compartment, as soon as that was done, I was heading back to the counter until he grabbed me by the shoulder.

"William, is there something you want to tell me? For these past few weeks you've been working dreadfully, is something bothering you?" He asked.

"W-Well, there is this one problem that's been bothering me for a while." I replied.

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