I Hate You With All Of My Heart

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This chapter is dedicated to ilove1d234 for commenting in the lat chapter!She is an awesome girl!Make sure you read my other fanfic For Angels To Die!I won't write another chapter for this story until the other reaches at least thirty reads and one vote.And three votes for this chapter and two comments?C'mon guys it's not that hard!You could even post negative stuff about how much you hate this story!It doesn't bother me!


Ariel's Pov

I packed all of my stuff.I wiped all of my tears away with the back of my small hand.I was firstly going to a metal concert in Wolverhampton before I leave to the U.S to escape Liam and Zayn.Harry,Niall,and Louis knew my plan.Of course Tucker knew,he was coming with me.He was just getting Ella from their house along with the moving boxes,turns out they were planning to move to the U.S for a long time.

I put my galaxy leggings on,with my combat boots,my black Sleeping With Sirens sweatshirt,and my black SnapBack with galaxy designs on the curve of the hat.I put on my stud earrings with some thick SWS bracelets. I applied some eyeliner,clear lipgloss,and mascara.I grabbed my ticket,some money,and headed out the door.I took a cigarette out of my pack and put it to my mouth.I lit it up,and took a big puff.

"You know,smoking is bad for you."A voice that I knew all to well said.I turned to see Liam."And I don't give a fuck."I snapped coldly at him.He smirked and pushed me against the bus.I winced because if the pressure he was applying to my wrists,where my newly cut rested.He kissed up and down my neck,nibbling ever so softly."Stop Liam."I said sternly.He just chuckled and nibble harder.I winced as he bite the nip of my collarbone,leaving a love bite.I pushed him off of me and put my hand to the aching spot on my neck."You twat!"I spat out.

I walked away from the ignorant boy.He followed behind me.After about five minutes I turned around and stopped him."Liam,go back home to your precious Danielle.And while your at it,maybe fuck her?"I yelled as I ran to the concert centre.I showed my ticket,and ran inside,not looking back.I sighed in relief.I grabbed a beer from an ice cooler and payed the guy my money.

"Okay,for the first song of the night,we're gonna sing The Common Hours!"Devin yelled into the microphone.I See Stars we're opening up for Sleeping With Sirens.The all to familiar beats started as the whole crowd starting getting pumped and energetic.My adrenalin building up as a mosh pit started,and it wasn't even five minutes into the concert."Hey,can you give me a boost?"I asked the guys that were helping people to crowd surf.I was determined to get to the front.

They cupped their hands as I was launched into the air.This was risky,at any moment I could fall.I felt thousands of hands moving me to the front.I giggled as some touched my tickle spot.Finally,the hands disappeared from my body and I was on the floor.I made it!I squeezed and pushed through the crowd to get right in the centre of the stage.Their set ended as the headlining act made their way on the stage.

"Kellin!I love you!"I yelled as the whole crowd went silent.He chuckled and blew me a kiss.I squealed and threw my favorite bracelet at him.It was a black leather band,with some tribal designs on it,with a simple silver triangle in the middle.He picked it up and put it on.My jaw dropped as he came to me and said "Thank you,ummm.""Ariel,my name is Ariel."I told him smiling.He smiled and said "Thanks Ari!"My breathing stopped for a second.

"So we have a special guest tonight,she doesn't even know we know she's famous and sings our songs."Kellin chuckled into the microphone.Everybody looked around at each other and shrugged,as I shrunk back hoping it wasn't me."Ariel,I could see you!Girl,get you're fine ass up here!"He squealed.I giggled as I was hoisted up onto stage by security guards.

"You fine with doing If I'm Janes Dean Your Audrey Hepburn?"Kellin asked me.I nodded and sighed as the first chords of the song started.Jesse strumming in his guitar with passion and love in his eyes,I could tell he loves what he does.Kellin hummed with me as I started out the song.

"Stay for tonight,if you want to I can show you what my dreams are made of,cause' I'm dreaming of your face."I sang.Kellin and I harmonized perfectly together.

I looked out into the crowd and a boy caught my eye.He was about my age.He was tan,with sparkling blue eyes,jet black hair,gages,which I love on a boy,and had major style.He had such a nice smile."Ari?Hello?"I was snapped out of my trance from the boy as Kellin waved his hand in front of my face.I blushed as I asked "Yes?"."Thank you for coming up on stage with us,and we want you to hang with us in America as opening.You willing to do it?"He asked.I nodded eagerly as I smiled.He squeezed me in a bone crushing hug.

I got off of stage as I texted Kellin and the others Thanks for the amazing night!I smiled as I bumped into someone.I looked up to see it was the boy from earlier."Hello."I choked out.He smiled as he said "Hey." in his perfect,angelic voice."My name is Kyle."He said.I blushed as I mumbled out "Ariel Peazer."He was HAWT!(Kyle is played my Jeremiah Drew,if you don't know who he is,check him on instagram.He's bi but,in this story he is straight!My story!)

"Bye Ariel!"Kyle said as he pecked my cheek,leaving me bright red.I walked,skipping once in a while.Who am I kidding?I skipped the whole damn way back to the bus.Kyle made me all giddy.My phone buzzed as Kyle's text tone sounded.

Hope I could see more of you soon babe!;D -Kyle X

My heart fluttered.I quickly typed back,

I hope babe!I miss you already!:P -Ari ;D.

I got into the bus to see Tucker there with suitcases surrounding him.My yellow eyes widened."Change of plans,we're leaving earlier!"He explained.I nodded as I headed to the bunk area to gather my carry on bag.I put my phone,iPod,earphones,book,kindle, blanket and teddy bear in the army printed bag.I saw all the boys in the living room.Louis,Niall,and Harry each captured me in their death grips.I chuckled as we exchanged our last words and gave them each a kiss on their cheeks.I shot the death glare at Zayn while he looked at me with glossy eyes.I didn't even look at Liam.I grabbed my suitcases and stepped out of the door.

I walked faster as I heard Liam calling my name.I put my bags in the trunk.I turned around to see a sight.Liam was sobbing hysterically on his knees.He grabbed my hands and put them on his freshly shaved head."Please don't leave me Ariel!"He sobbed.I yanked my hands away."Well,you should've thought about what you said before you broke my heart.Liam Payne,I hate you with all my heart."I said as I climbed in the car.We drive away,and when I looked back I saw Liam on the floor and Niall hugging him.

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