I'm Screwed!

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Liam's Pov-

It's been a week.A week since I've eaten.A week since I've gotten out of bed.A week since I've talked to the boys.And most importantly,since the love of my has walked out of my life probably for forever.I feel lonely,empty.It's as if I have no feeling at all.I'm broken,shattered.A complete and utter mess.I look at anything and any little thing reminds me of Ariel.I look at the roof of my bunk,black,just like Ariel's hair.

Ariel's Pov-

I giggled as Kyle swung me over his shoulder.I slapped his bum,and kicked my legs trying to release my self from his strong grasp.He chuckled,knowing I had no effect on him,I gave up.We were on the pier with the band members of Sleeping With Sirens,I See Stars,and of course Tucker,and me and Kyle.Squidy,the octopus was in my hand.Kyle had won it for me.

It's weird because this morning an all this week I was throwing up.Now I'm perfectly fine.I honestly think I have a bad case of the stomach bug.But,I haven't got a runny nose,and am awfully moody.I have cravings for disgusting things.But,I guess it's normal after you come out of a bad,secret relationship that didn't really end well.

Kyle slipped his hand into mine as we walked down the boardwalk.My other hand was occupied with Squidy and cotton candy.I put the blue fluff on my tongue,it dissolved instantly.Tucker came up from behind me and picked me up bridal style.I chuckled and snuggled into his chest.I was so tired!Kyle is so sweet but,he's not Liam.Ugh,I have to stop thinking about One Direction!

Next Day!-__-!

I was in my bunk,so I rolled out.There was a note on my forehead so I took it off and read it.

Dear Ariel The Mermaid,

We have left to go get some things and stuff.Yeah,we love you!

LURVE,Kellin,Jesse,Jack,Gabe,Justin,Tucker,and Kyle.

P.S We all know I love you more!


P.S.S I love you more,don't listen to that twat!He's smoking crack!


Well,then!I smiled at the letter.I felt so loved!My stomach churned as I ran to the bathroom.I lifted the bowl and threw up.Ehhhh,must be the cotton candy!I tied my hair back,into a messy,high ponytail.I brushed my teeth,and left the bathroom.I rushed into the kitchen,and looked in the fridge.I grabbed the leftover pizza from yesterday and grabbed some strawberry yogurt.I dipped the pizza in the yogurt and took a big bite.It taste delicious!What?I'm craving this!

I got dressed in orange skinny jeans,a green 'I Love Tucker' sweatshirt,Tucker got me for my birthday last year,some green converse,and pulled my hair into another messy ponytail.I grabbed a couple bucks,and walked out.I breathed in the fresh London air.I started walking toward my favorite coffee shop,and received some weird stares from teenage girls.I shrugged it off as I started walking at a faster pace.

"Ariel!Ariel!Why did you leave Liam?Are you dating Zayn?What were you doing with thy kid,Kyle?"Questions were shot at me in every direction.I rushed into the café."Can we get Ariel some help?"Diana asked John.They were the store owners and the most adorable little couple.They were basically my parents.Diana sat me down at a table and bought me some Moutin Dew.Yep,she knows me so well.I cried into her shoulder as she hugged me.

"So you threw up this morning,this whole week and were craving strawberry dipped yogurt pizza?"John asked.I nodded my head at the true information."Ariel,honey.You might be,um,how do I put this?P-pregnant."Diana stuttered. "What?Nooo,no,no,no,no,no!"I yelled shooting up from my seat."But I haven't even!Wait!Oh,no!It's L-"I yelled but,couldn't complete my sentence before breaking down sobbing."What honey?"Diana asked."Liam's!The baby is Liam's!"I cried out.

Diana ran to the drug store to get me tests.We went to the back to avoid the paps. I grabbed the tests and did the whole routine.I chipped at my nails as I anxiously waited for the answer that will determine the rest of my life.I looked up to see Diana smiling but,nervously.Five minutes passed,as I went to go check the test.Positive.I looked at the other test she got me.Positive.The other one.Positive.Ah,shit!I'm screwed!

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