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NOTE: Who is alive and who isn't.

1. Allison and Sheriff Stilinski are dead. (But we will see them later)

2. Theresa is dead.

3. Newt died but he somehow survived because he got Thomas blood on the knife. He got his memories back and went back to Starling city where he found his sister Sonya. They contact the other survivors, but they couldn't contact Thomas and they don't know were he is. So Thomas still thinks that Newt is dead and its his fault. 

NOTE: About some characters

In this story Stiles/Thomas/Mitch/Henry will end up with Lydia. I love Newt and Thomas. However, in this story they will become more brothers.

Thomas, Newt, Minho, Gally, Sonya and Brenda will see each other like brother and sister.

Vince and George see them as their children especially Thomas.

After the death cure everyone goes there different ways.

Sonya and Newt go to Starling city to where their mother Felicity Smoak is. Newt has been missing for nearly 6 years and Sonya for 3 years.

Minho goes and finds his family and small sister Kira Yukimura, but after a while he leaves not feeling comfortable with them and goes around the world. He has been missing for 6 years.

Gally goes back to the Millers, who have been searching everywhere for him for nearly 6 years. And have become better in their Marijuana traffics.

Brenda, Frypan and Aris being orphans stay with George and Vince who adopted them.

Thomas after getting his memories back from Become Hills, he cant go back after Scott threw  him out of the pack for killing Donovan and after his father was killed by a chimera. He has been missing for 2 years now. He changes his name from Mieczysław Stilinski to Mitch Rapp, taking his mother former surname.

Phil Coulson is searching for his nephew and only family member Stiles. His brother Noah died, and Stiles went missing not long after. He asked shield for help to search for him.

Teen Wolf happened till season 5. Until Stiles rescues Lydia

Side Information

Its my first time writing a story. So I apologize if its not good.

There maybe many spelling mistakes because English is not my first language and I am not so good at it. 

Please enjoy  :D 

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