Chapter Seven: Radishes and Nifflers

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“Anna - are you sick or something? You’ve been huddling in the corner this whole time and your entire face is red.”

No!” She snapped back, her face successfully transitioning to a reddish shade of purple as she angled her entire body away from her spectators and pressed her face against the cool glass of the window - hoping that it would cool her cheeks some.

She shouldn’t have been so flustered - it wasn’t like he had never called her beautiful before. Anna could recall several times the words had slipped out, but even then she hadn’t quite lost her mind like this.

But maybe it’s because all those times you were actually trying to look appealing.

It was only after he had walked away that she had realized that he had called her beautiful.

While she was wearing cartoon pajama pants paired with a ratty tank top and a stained sweater. She hadn’t even done her hair in the slightest, and frankly, she had looked homeless.

For Merlin’s sake - she hadn’t even been wearing shoes since she didn’t think she would see him until they got to Hogwarts, when she’d have time on the train to change and make herself presentable.

Yet that didn’t change the fact that while Anna looked like she had dressed herself while on crack, Draco had still called her beautiful.

And she had lost herself all over again.

“Have you heard of the new professor?” Luna Lovegood - the new girl - broached the subject. She was a bit queer, wearing large radishes on her ears and constantly talking about nifflers and all sorts of other creatures.

Anna found it a relief.

She opened up a little, uncrossing her arms as she turned back to the rest of their compartment to respond. “Umbridge, right?”

“Dolores Umbridge?” Harry asked, making a face. “She was one of the witches at my trial. Suffice to say, she wasn’t one of the ones on my side. Real joy, she’s going to be this year.”

“I don’t think I have high expectations of any teacher that’s going to be filling the dark arts position.” She threw in her own 2 cents and shrugged. “It’s the curse I guess. Nothing’s ever going to change.” Just like her years at Hogwarts. Something terrible happened each time she went.

Luna nodded slowly, seemingly deep in thought. “That’s a defeatist perspective. You should think more positively.”

Hard to be positive when everything in your life is just a straight downward spiral.

“I’ll think about it.” She lied instead, not wanting to disrupt the peace.

“She’s not wrong you know.” Ginny nudged Anna on the shoulder. Unlike her, Ginny had known Luna since last year, so the usual ‘new friend’ shyness had worn off on her already. Also meaning she wasn’t afraid to throw all of Anna’s things under the bus. “Besides - aren’t you fangirling about Malfoyyyy?”

And this is why no one tells you anything, Ginerva.

“Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?” Luna asked curiously - oblivious to Anna and Harry’s twin rigid postures. “Are you two a thing?”

No!” Both Potters retorted at once, then turned on each other.

“What’s it to you if we’re dating?” Anna prodded - annoyed of the reminder of his chivalry with Draco. “He’s dating me, not you.”

“You’re not dating again. Not until you’re 40.”

What? Why-” It was only then she recognized that familiar darkened guilt in his eyes, and the fire inside her chest was immediately snuffed out as she slumped back into her seat, gaze focused on the ground.

He’s still guilty - about Cedric.

Plus, Anna guessed she was still supposed to be mourning his death, but she had thought that that topic had been all but forgotten by now.

“I think you’d make an adorable couple.” Luna added her own opinion. She shrugged,  then looked around at the open air. “They agree.”

Ginny sputtered. “Who are they?”

As the others prattled on in conversation, Anna found her gaze drifting back to the window - that familiar blush back on her cheeks as she imagined what it’d be like to get everything she had ever wanted.

Perhaps a life in the countryside, like what the Weasley’s had. It would be she and Draco and however many children they’d have.

It was an easier future to imagine then she thought, as she stared out into the open fields of Great Britain as the train rushed through the lands.

Still, as the Hogwarts castle came into view, she realized that she could never have that.

She’d have to make do with what she was given, and try to make the best of what she’s got.

Because she’s still Anna Potter - and fate could never be so kind.

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