Chapter Twenty-One: The Plan

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“You know, one might think you’ve gone mad - the way you’re acting.” Ginny mumbled.

The two sat in their Potions class - talking to each other quietly as the students around them finished up their concoctions for the final.

“In what way is that?”

“You’re so…cheery.” She shot Anna an apologetic glance. “Don’t get me wrong - it’s refreshing to see you smiling, but it’s just-” Ginny groaned, her face falling into her crossed arms. “Exams are horrible.”

Anna only rose her eyebrows, a smile slipping from her lips as she patted Ginny’s head reassuringly.

Truth be told, she had been feeling a lot happier, after reconnecting with Cedric and sorting her things out. While it still hurt that he was gone, and she wasn’t ever going to forget what he had done for her, it was more of a dull memory than a present pain.

She could finally leave him in the past, where he belonged.

Anna looked back to her pocket watch on her neck, watching as the hand ticked in sync with Snape as he raised his head, eyeing the classroom with a slight nod. “The time for your potions final has passed. If you’ve finished, you may go. If not, turn in what you have - though I would not expect a passing score.”

Wordlessly, Anna and Ginny collected their bags - the youngest Weasley slumping onto Anna’s shoulder as they walked out of the classroom.

“Oh my - that potion was a bit tricky, wasn’t it?” Luna Lovegood emerged from behind, catching up. Her earrings sparkled as she spoke. “I don’t think it was supposed to be purple though…more magenta, don’t you think?”

 Ginny groaned incoherently. “I’m just glad they’re all finally over. Hopefully Mum won’t clobber me when we get home.”

Anna nodded in agreement, deciding not to mention that her own potion had turned out blueish-green.

Before the girls could talk about much else, as they passed a nearby classroom, they overheard shouting - sounding all too much like Harry.

Ginny almost-immediately perked up, looking back at the door. “What do you ought he’s going on about?”

“We can only find out if we look.” Luna offered.

Wordlessly, Ginny opened the door, and a red-faced Harry turned around to face them - Ron and Hermione looking over his shoulder towards them.

"Hey,” She attempted to break the awkward silence. “We heard Harry’s voice and were wondering if we could help.”

“Never you mind.” Harry grunted out.

Anna rose an eyebrow, quirking her lip. Something was up with him.

 "That’s not very kind of you.” Luna spoke up, though her expression kept its familiar neutrality.

“Harry - maybe they can help.” Hermione realized.

“We have no time. Sirius is being tortured now.”

Alarm bells rang in Anna’s head.


“Harry - I’m beginning you. We need to make sure Sirius isn’t at home before we go charging off to London. If we see he isn’t there, we’ll go immediately.” Hermione reasoned.

Harry scoffed. “Check? How are we supposed to check?”

“Umbridge’s fire.” Anna realized, catching up to Hermione’s train of thought.

“Precisely.” She nodded, turning back to Harry. “As for the girls..they can be our lookout. Though someone’ll need to fend off Umbridge…”

“I’ll do it.” Ron volunteered. “I’ll just tell her Peeves is acting up again in the Transfiguration office - it’s miles away from her personal office. Though now that I think on it, I could probably convince Peeves to do something actually…”

“Splendid.” Hermione paced, the wheels in her brain beginning to turn. “Now, we also need to keep students out of her hallway - we’re bound to have some Slytherin tipping her off.”

“Luna and I can patrol the halls.” Ginny said confidently. She waved her hand. “We can just tell people someone released Garroting Gas or something.”

Anna blinked.

“It was something Fred and George were going to do - before they left.” She brushed off everyone’s surprise of how quickly her response came. Ginny eyed Anna. “I’m assuming you’ll go with Harry and Hermione then - to speak to Sirius?”

Anna swallowed. Clearly Ginny would be expecting some answers when this was all over.

For now, she only nodded.

“Alright,” Harry breathed in sharply, still uneasy. Clearly, he was already prepared to race off and save Sirius if need be. “Let’s do this.”

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