Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Proposal

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He smiled. “What happened to that fire I sensed in you just a short while ago?" His tone was mocking. "Are you afraid?”

No.” Anna lied, though she kept her body language fierce - refusing to give away anything Voldemort could use against her.

Because who was she to think herself strong?

How could she be strong, when she couldn’t even save the people who mattered most to her?

Voldemort only scoffed, pointing the end of his wand between her eyes. “Hand over the prophecy, before I am forced to take something from you again.”

“What’s to say you won’t kill me after I give it to you?” Her mind went in circles as she attempted to stall, trying to figure out what possible idea could get Harry and her out of this situation.

But with Harry unconscious and her wand just out of reach, she doubted she’d have much luck.

Not to mention the fact that if Voldemort got ahold of the prophecy, they were all truly done for.

“I admit, I am disappointed.” He drawled, lowering his wand as he let his arm drop.

Anna was not foolish enough to believe he had given up.

“You must know, I’ve never felt hatred towards you; the youngest Potter. My problems have always been with your brother. You have always been insignificant to my purpose.” His eyes gleamed. “But now…I see that you have potential. To think a witch as young as you, capable of mastering a forbidden curse as well as one of my own…”

“I will never be one of you.” Anna snarled, though the hairs on the back of her neck began to rise.

Because who was that girl just a moment ago? A girl that didn’t care for mercy or morals - someone who couldn’t see past her own anger and pain.

She didn't want to know the answer.

“You’ll see eventually, young one. You have been underestimated for far too long - shadowed by the limelight on your older brother. When you realize that, you’ll come to me, and I can make you a witch to be remembered for centuries.”

He yawned. “But that day is not today. Give me the prophecy - or the next time I ask, it will be much less polite.”

Anna scowled. “I think you’re the one whose underestimating me.” She reached into her cardigan - pulling out the coveted orb.

Who was this bloody fool who thought she would answer to his every whim? Just because he admitted he saw something in her?

Though she must admit, for someone as powerful as him to acknowledge her abilty, she couldn't help but feel the slightest bit of satisfaction.

Voldemort’s eyes glimmered with want. “Good.” He murmured. He began to reach out. “Now, give it to me.”

It was her turn to smirk. “If you say so.”

She let the orb slip from her fingers…

Then watched it shatter into pieces on the hard ground.

For a long while, it was completely silent.

After a long moment, Voldemort spoke. “That…was highly unwise of you.” He tilted his head. “You had such potential. I might regret killing you.”

Avada Kedavra!”

She didn’t flinch, not even as the emerald flash came so close as to sear into her eyes. But before the curse could hit, a large slab of gold was between them, protecting her.


“I would advise you step away, Tom.”

 There was Dumbledore in all his glory - midnight cloak shimmering softly in the dim light of the ministry.

He carefully made his way in between them, subtly shielding both her and Harry’s body with his own. “It was foolish to come here tonight. The Aurors are already on their way and you have lost what you came here for.”

Voldemort smiled, sending a shiver down her spine. “On the contrary, I think I have gotten a lot more.”

His hollowed eyes never left her own.

Bellatrix was up now, standing obediently at her master’s side. “My Lord…”

He silenced her with a hand, giving a slight nod. “I shall see you soon. Perhaps then, you will take me up on my offer.”

He was gone before she could say another word.

Leaving her mind to chaos.

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