chapter 7

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so it was a week later. I was going back to school tomorrow. it was currently night right now. my dad dropped me off like thirty minutes ago. I was settling back in. well technically I still had to do school work just not on campus. and I learned a couple of things over this week. macalin Ammar is the one who suggested for me to clean the bathroom. the principal only said a week of suspension. I didn't understand why he did that we were getting along so well. I guess he wants to humiliate me because I supposedly " cheated on his test." I honestly got over the whole situation. I'll go in tomorrow and clean the bathrooms after class. I'm still kind of mad that I have to clean but I'm doing it. it's a quarter to 12 right now so I'm just laying in my bed waiting for sleep to come to me.


it's morning! I'm saying that like I'm excited. but I kind of am, I've missed school honestly but I'm not ready for all the looks I'm going to get. but I don't care because no one will say something directly to me. I also miss ceren soo much. so I'm looking forward to seeing her too.

* knock knock*

"I'm coming" I yell back. I open the door and its ceren.

"I've missed you so much omg Ameera," she said as she jumped on me.

"I missed you too," I said laughing. " get off of me I've only been gone for a week."

" It felt like forever," she said as she got off of me. it got kinda quiet

"Everyone was talking about it you know?" she started. yeah

"what were they saying? " I asked curiously

" Some were saying that they didn't expect that from you, and others said they don't believe you did it."

"yeah, and what was Celine saying?" I asked somewhat angry.

" she said she knew you weren't smarter than her and you were probably cheating the whole year," she said the last part lowly. I didn't even feel like talking after that so she just changed the subject.

" so what have you been doing?" you've been doing all your work right?" she asked.

" yeah, I did. IDK why but it seems so much harder to do when you're not at school." I laughed.

" yeah procrastination right?" she asked

" yes, the worst." I finished, I went and got my stuff and we left for classes.


I went to my math class and the teacher was even giving me weird looks. IDK if it was of pity or her judging me.

"as-salam Alaykum," I said as I walked into the class.

"Wa Alaykum salam Ameera," she said kinda coldly.

"I have the work from the past week, where do you want me to put it ?" I asked.

" over there" she pointed at the bin near the back of the classroom. it was so weird her not smiling or asking me how was my week or day. but I guess the teachers here are so childish as to treat someone differently based on some drama that happened in the school. anyways I put away the work and the class started.
I spent the whole day being stared at weirdly by teachers and students. I was kinda used to it because it honestly didn't bother me much. and the class I'd been dreading all day finally came. the Islamic studies class with macalin Ammar. as I was going to class I was so nervous. I came in and everyone was staring at me. Celine was smiling and teacher Ammar was blankly staring.

" as-salam Alaykum," I said lowly as I walked to my desk.

" Wa Alaykum salam," they all said. the class was so weird. awkward too. was sat for a couple of mins and then he cleared his throat.

" okay class so today we will talk about the messenger's pbuh and their books. there's 5 that we know who can say them?" he asked.

" ingeel, isa," someone said.

" Torah Musa," Celine said.

" Quran Muhammad," a boy named Ahmad said. and after that it was quiet.

" sohf, Ibrahim, and zubuk Dawud," I said kind of quietly.

" yeah," he said coldly. " those are all correct. good job you those who knew it already. and after that class went by quickly.

it was the end of the class and macalin Ammar called me over to his desk after everyone left.

" yes?" I said.

"I'm assuming you know of your punishment," he said looking down on his desk still.

" yes, I'm well aware. you know cleaning the bathrooms that's a good one," I said fake smiling. he looked up at me.

"I can't say the same about cheating," he said and looked back down.

" Yeah me either, considering I didn't." I paused. " you know what's so weird, you guys believed her without even asking me or letting me say my side of the story. and that's what upset me the most".  he was still quiet. and that made me angrier. "and out of everyone, I'd thought at least you would hear me out. you know always preaching justice and haqq. but no you stood there and let them slander me. I'd understand anything really but she said I cheated. okay, let's say I did. why would I keep it in my bag the day after the test and not just throw it out? I know you don't think I'm that stupid. and you should know I don't need to cheat. you saw my records and grades when I was transferred here. yes, I was a troublemaker student but I never needed any help with academics. and I know you added the bathrooms to humiliate me but I don't care. I'll do them not because you said but out of respect for my father." I said kind of raising my voice. he stood up and kept his eyes on mine.

" then why was the key inside your bag?" he questioned crossing his legs together and he leaned on his desk.

" Idk, Celine must've put it in there. I wouldn't cheat on your test. I wouldn't need to."

"I don't have time to be arguing back and forth with you Ameera. please leave," he said pointing at the door.

ugh, this teacher infuriated me. I was trying o hard to stay calm. but no he had to always be rude.

" you're so rude. it's honestly so infuriating. how do you expect people to respect you when you act like that?" I said as I walked out the door slamming it.

I then went and cleaned the bathrooms. it wasn't bad. maybe the janitors cleaned it already. I then went back to my room and showered and tried to wash off all the bacteria from the bathroom. I also started crying in the bathroom. not necessarily bc I was sad more so because I was so frustrated. I was being mature today. I don't think I can do it again though. Celine just needed a slap. but it was too soon. I don't wanna get kicked out. and macalin Ammar, he just upset me so much. all I can say is May Allah give us all Sabr


SO HOW DO YOU GUYS FEEL ABOUT THIS CHAPTER ?! I've honestly had this in my drafts for so long and IDK why I held off on it.

ugh, Celine. hate her

but hope you guys have a good day !! thanks for reading

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