chapter 10

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it was the best day. i sadly couldn't just stay from class all day so i got up and got dressed. i had some time so i went to the cafeteria so i could get some coffee before class beacuse god knows i'll need it today.

" as salam alaykum." i said reaching the coffee stand.

"wa alaykum salaam, what can i get for you today?"

" can i get a caramel frappe" i said smiling.

" yeah, that'll be $3.45"

" okay" i said handing my card to her. I went and sat down waiting for them to call my order. i was looking down as i heard someone coming towards me. surprisingly it was Macalin Ammar.

"as salam alaykum" he said sitting down.

" wa alaykum salam" i said getting my stuff together trying to stand up.

" wait ammera, i need to talk to you." he said quickly.

" does it have anything to do with class work or my grades" i asked.

" no" he said

" okay then i'll have to get going." i said and grabbed my coffee and left. UGGHHHH i internally screamed. i was dreading seeing Macalin because i knew i'd either yell at him or just start crying. because when i get so frustrated i start to cry. the worse thing ever. and i just have a lot to say to him but i need to get my words together.
classes were weird today. everyone gave me pity glances. even the teachers. the only one was Macalin Asmaa. she and i got pretty close diying the time i was here. she asked me how i was holding up. after the situation first happened she was kind of cold to me but then after she talked to me and kinda understood that i could never cheat on the test. ever since then it was like we were actually friends and not teacher/student. BUT now i had to go to the class i was dreading since  this morning.

"as salam alaykum" i said as i walked into class.

" wa alaykum salam" the class replied lowly. i sat down and smiled at ceren. i knew she was surprised as the others that i actually came to class. i mean why wouldn't i come. i looked around and seen macalin ammar wasn't here yet.

"as salam alaykum" his voice boomed. i guess i spoke too soon.

" wa alaykum salam" we said as a class.

" today we're gonna talk about marriage and it's importance/value in islam." he said. he started writing on the smart board.

"It is narrated by Anas that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of his religion, so let him fear Allah regarding the remaining half."

after writing he turned back to us. " does anyone wanna read that out loud. some people raised their hand. he looked straight at me.

" what about you ameera?" he asked.

" i didn't raise my hand" i murmured.

"huh?" he said

" nothing" i said and i started reading.

" what do you think that means?" he asked the class.

" that if you get married your deen is half complete." a boy said.

" yeah, it does. but it also shows the importance of marriage too. getting married is completing half of your deen." macalin ammar said as he turned around. he started writing another hadith on the board.

‎تزوجوا و لا تطلقوا ، فإن الطلاق يهتز له العرش
"Marry and do not divorce, for verily divorce causes the 'Arsh (Allah's Throne) to shake."

" thats not a authentic hadith." i muttered.

" what?" he asked.

" Is there a Authentic Hadith to back that up? " i asked

the teacher looked at her annoyed and said  " no Ameera there isn't"

"You shouldn't teach us something that there is no clear chain of narration for it." i said as i went back to my notes. "there isn't no point in reviewing weak Hadiths, mostly on such controversial topics. "

macalin ammar froze, he looked so mad. i was surprised too. i didn't even expect to say that. it just came out.

"come outside right now " he said

and i just followed.

" yes ?" i asked.

" what was that?" he said

" what was what?"

"just beacuse you're mad at me doesn't mean you get to call me out infront of my class. i do not tolerate disrespect from anyone ameera." he said looking at me.

" i didn't call you out. i just said my thoughts. it has nothing to do with me being " mad at you". and even if it were it's not like you'd even acknowledge it. all you care about it yourself anyways." i said.

" we're not having this convo right now. you have detention."

" okay are we done ?" i asked.

" yeah-" and i walked in before he could finish his sentence.

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