windy days| John x Reader

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You padded down the stairs to answer the door. Groggy as hell you fling it open, pissed off at the incessant ringing of the doorbell. A gust of wind blew past you as the door shut behind your fancrush, John Egbert. He looked over to you and grew worried. Sorry miss, the imps are growing in numbers and I needed a place to hide. Mind if I stay here for a small while? You stand there dumbfounded.

    It's been three years since you managed to hack yourself into sburb. Your best pal managed to get you through by a crack portal into a different session, which he then coded into theirs. You learned a lot from rose's updates and grew close to the people you had never met. Your main bro called himself idyllic, though nobody would believe you if you told then he was from alternia. You found each other online in an ask the captors deviantart session. You immediately became friends. But enough about that. Back to the dorky love of your life standing before you.

You stammer. A lot. Finally uttering the most idiotic phrase you possibly could have. "Yeah...  okay." You mentally kicked your own ass and locked your door. John looked at you, clearly he was woken up by these foul creatures. "Miss?" You snapped back to reality, not excusing yourself for getting distracted by the thin lines indicating his sweet chest. You blush a little, "hmm?" You respond finally. "I asked what your name was, y'know since I'm practically stealing your home until I got a plan." He smiles his little bucktooth grin and you feel your heart melt a little. "Oh... my name is....." You trail off. How did you forget your own name? "Well you can just call me [F/N]." "Okay, well I feel like I'm intruding [F/N] so is it okay if I call you Miss? You look mature and sweet so I think it would be nice... that is... if you don't have a husband." He whips his head around, looking for a second body that may have appeared. "I could call you missus, if that's better." You blush a little, "no I'm single as a slice of cheese." You mentally kick yourself again. He giggles. Okay miss. You blush even deeper and decide there is no sleeping now. You go  your TV and put on con air. You don't mind the movie much but your favorite cage movie is ghost rider. He sits down right beside you, hood trailing behind you as he snuggled up and stared at the TV like it was a supermodel. You sigh and ignore that his arm was brushing yours and try to focus on his comments about nic cage. You fail miserably as thoughts of him planting his soft mouth on yours plague your mind until you are picking at your lips with your teeth. "I'm gonna get us some popcorn..." You murmur, getting up automatically and grabbing a bag, tossing it in the microwave and heating it. While it was cooking you glance at egbert, who was practically getting jiggy with one of your couch pillows. You sigh again, wishing the pillow wasn't getting more action than you do. You take the popcorn out and grab some twizzlers from your cupboard, sitting back down next to egbert and offering him some fresh popcorn. He obliges. You sit there up until the credits are rolling, illuminating the dark room with its bright text. Egbert reaches for the last popcorn and you pout. He goes for the last twizzler too, but he notices you clearly bummed. His grin grows misceviously. "I've got an idea." You listen carefully. "Lets share the last piece." You stare at him waiting for the catch. He puts one end of the twizzler in his mouth and you blush. "Cmunn!" He mumbles through the snack. You hesitate then put the other end in your mouth. He giggles and starts chomping down on his end. You do the same until you both are less than  centimeter from kissing. You lean in just as he bit his end. Letting you have the rest. You blush and retract yourself, really looking forward to that kiss. He smiles and gets up. You start to follow him when he stares at you. "I'm going to the bathroom [F/N], did you plan on accompanying me?" He laughed and you blushed. "N-no!" You turn away as he enters the bathroom, heading upstairs and plopping onto your bed for a moment without sexual tension. Does he know I like him? Does he realize how bad I just want to kiss him? You sigh in frustration and stare out your window. Just then an imp cam crashing through and you scream. You hear footsteps racing up the stairs and John pops into the room, hammer at the ready. He starts bashing imps until there are three big ones left. One starts attacking you as he finally smacks down both of the other imps. You close your eyes waiting for the hit that sends you into the dreambubble but it never comes, you open one eye to see egbert towering over you, back taking the blows of the imp like it's nothing. "Leveled up too much.." He explains. You nod and send your pocket knife deep into the imp, killing it. Your face turns beet red as egbert looks down at you. Is that a lustful gaze or a tired one? You ponder, just as he pulls you into your bathroom. The only window you have in there is too small for entrance and frosted, dimly illuminating most of the bathroom. John pulls you into the stand up shower and closes the frosted glass door. You blush heavily. Thank gog it's dark, you think. Egbert pushes you against the wall as two imps could be heard rummaging through your room. They knock over something glass and you begin to protest. "Hey that's my-!" John presses his lips against yours firmly, sliding his tongue into your mouth immediately and causing  stomach to feel very warm. You relax into the kiss. After a while you notice that you don't really need to breathe. Is egbert.... filling my lungs with air? You ponder as he breaks the kiss. "My powers aren't totally useless are they?" He winked. You whisper to him,"what was that for?" He smiled at you. "Had to shut you up somehow...." You blush and kiss him back. This time earning a bit of surprise from him. He breaks the kiss and whispers in your ear, "you really shouldn't have done that... You feel your face heat up as John  pulls your shirt off. Unearthing the bra underneath and massaging your breasts as he kissed your neck. You moan and he hushes you. "Now now... You need to be quiet..." He whispers against your collarbone. Pulling your jeans down with his teeth and sliding his hand into your underwear. You gasp and stifle a moan as he slides two fingers into your tight core. You feel the heat expel from your skin and stifle another moan, gasping quietly and whispering his name over and over. Just as you feel yourself tighten, close to climax, he pulls his fingers out, licking them. "My my, aren't you a wet little devil." He snickered and kissed your jawline,  Pulling your underwear off. You stare in shock as he removes his own pants and boxers, grinning confidently at you. He wraps his hood around your waist and pulls himself closer, just touching you with his member. You arch a little, your body begging for his entrance and he complies, spreading you a little and pushing himself inside you in one swift movement. You gasp and accidentally let out a little moan, cutting it off short. "Don't.. they're gone now..." He murmurs seductively in your ear. You moan his name again as he pushes into you a little further, teasing you. You bite his jawline and he gasps a little, tearing off his glasses and pushing all the way in, thrusting himself deeper with every momentum filled rock. You start to moan louder. "Oh gog. John.... I..." You are at a loss for words as he rubs every sweet muscle in your core. He smiles navigating his way to your sweet spot and abusing the fuck out of it with the tip of his member. He pushes deeper and finally your body hits the 'Oh so sweet' climax, earning him one loud yell. "EGBERT!"You wail as he crushes his lips into yours, climaxing after you. You pant heavily and gawk at his flushed  tired face. "They were lustful eyes by the by." He stated between breathless pants. Your face goes red. "Can you read my thoughts???" You inquire, shocked. "Terezi taught me" he winked and you felt your face heat up even more. He winked and gives you one quick kiss. That little bastard... You think as you kiss him back. He knew all along.

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