(contest winner 1) A freckle Past a Hair|GamzeeXAlyssa

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Your name is Alyssa, and it was a typical Monday morning. The kind of morning that left you grumpy and tired. You woke up three hours earlier than usual from some dream that unsettled you. You decided it was best to just eat some cereal and find something productive to do. And by productive, you mean laze about on your computer reading hussies updates. Of course, sometimes you would be caught off guard by piles of work and fall a bit behind, but you assumed, so did everyone else. You finally caught up and decided to search pictures on the internet. specifically, Gamzee. You adored Gamzee. His aloof attitude and horn antics were always to be admired. But you wouldn't tell your homestuck friends that.  They were all fawning over Dave, and sometimes karkat. You had Gamzee mostly to yourself. As you searched up some random codtier pics you came across a site called dark carnival magic. It piqued your interest so you clicked on the link, what you found amazed you. It was a bunch of speculations on how to create a transportalizer out of your own desktop! Feeling like it was a prank, you inspected further. Apparently it was simple. All you had to do was write the words 'I warned you about the stairs' and 'it kept happening' around the edge of the screen, it could even be done on tape if you preferred. So you did the thing with the markers and the letters and read step two. Your mission now was to find the zodiac sign or shirt symbol of whoever you wanted to visit you. Again you did the thing with the stuff. There was a sharp purple buzz of electricity and a swirly fog forming a large, troll sized portal right in your bedroom. You stepped back, shocked that it was working and moved a bunch of junk off your floor. So there was room.

*Gamzee's respite*

Honk Gamzee thought. He was feeling especially lax today. He had two pies instead of one that day and sat at his chair, zoning the motherfuck out as per his usual. His zombie like gaze just staring off into the furthest rings. He stared concentrating on absolutely nothing as if something would happen, and behold! It did. The messiahs were in his favour today it seemed. Gamzee grabbed a faygo and sauntered up to the swirly purple magical doorway and briefly pondered where it lead. Curious, he stepped through and fell face first onto sonebody's floor. "Honk" he replied, in mild pain, scraping himself up off the floor and looking up at the person standing there gawking at him. She had the softest brown eyes, like they were made of chocolate and happy dreams. He smiled. She had a petite stature but a well built frame to her, she looked like she could lift some heavy objects if she wanted to. Her smile was bright and just as sweet as her eyes, and this made him feel a little fuzzy in his internal organs. He inspected her further, stopping for a moment at her wild and well groomed hair. It was as black as the alternian night sky and just as endless in its mysteries, framing her face perfectly. Her skin was soft looking, and the same color as a good alternian cappuccino, the kind with the vanilla cream stirred in just the way he liked. She was absolutely perfect. He got up off the floor finally understanding he'd been gawking at her for two minutes straight and it was probably uncomfortable. He opened his mouth and asked,"what's your name sis, and why the motherfuck are you hoarding these miracles in your block?" He zoned out for a second, and finally realized shed responded. "The name's Alyssa. And I can't believe that you are standing in my house! It was a prank I couldn't possibly think that'd work." She gushed for several seconds before finally calming down, sitting on her bed. He sauntered over and bent at the waist, completely baffled by the big fluffy rectangle. He jumped up on it, and on all fours, crawled in circles. "Its like a motherfucking carpet trampoline up in this motherfucker. Its so miraculous." He honked a few times and looked up at her. "What's it for?" He inquired. She giggled and replied, "it's a bed. We humans sleep on it. And... Other things...." She blushed a little and he gave an all knowing smile. "I bet its all kinds of miracles..." He said. He flopped on his back and gazed up at the ceiling in awe. She flopped next to him.

*Alyssa's POV*

You stared for a couple minutes with him. He really was a curious creature. You decided to ask a bit of a serious question. "Do you believe in true love at first sight?" You half whispered. He smiled before answering. "Its all about what's inside you. Its a motherfucking flock of good feelings. Sis, you gotta believe in true love at first sight. That's the only good motherfucking way to be all up and... Flushed for someone. It proves they're a special miracle, you know?" He looked over and grinned ear to ear. "Why, you flushed for me?" You stare at him a second. He'd caught you. You were so totally flushed that it would be obvious to even Karkat. You stammer, "m-maybe a little..." He chuckled, "wanna motherfuckin do somethin about it then?" He teased. "You look away for a moment, focusing on a stray sock on your floor before responding, "like what?" He just laughed. "Some of those miraculous things you humans do on beds." He pushed on. "Like pailing. Or however you humans do it." Your face gets hot and you turn around. "Are you messing with me?" You ask, actually considering it. "I'm not messing sis." He got all serious, "I think it's worth the motherfucking chance, don't you?" You consider it. After all your guardian wasn't home so you had a bit of time. "Fine." You respond, and he grins wide. "Honk"

Gamzee grabbed your arms and held them outstretched, using his teeth to tear off your shirt, you stifle a gasp and he chuckles. "Don't motherfucking hide the best part now Alyssa." He cooed, his rough tone, music to your ears. He pulled off your shorts and underwear, nosing your wet flower and giving small intermittent honks as he licked you, curling his tongue upwards and stroking you on the inside. His tongue was long, stretching into you surprisingly deep for what it was. You moaned a little and tensed up as he played with you. You felt the heat rushing to your abdomen. You felt yourself get a little wetter as he lapped at your entrance, licking it like it was sopor. You held his horns and he flinched a little, relaxing after a few seconds and rumbling in his deep baritone voice. He was purring! You don't know why but it was incredibly hot to hear. He eventually moved up, sucking on one of your nipples while he reached into his own pants, pulling them down his waist and exposing his vibrant dark purple tentabulge and letting it writhe just at your opening. He pushed in, reaching about halfway before things got a little tight. He eased farther and calmed your shaking body with pensive strokes between quakes. You moaned out on a mixture of pain and ecstasy as he purrs and thrusts, letting you stroke his horns while he let his hips do most of the work. You felt yourself rising quickly as he forced himself as deep as your soaking wet entrance would allow, stretching you a little and pressing against your pulsing inner muscles. You call out,G-Gamzee I'm gonna! Ahhn~" he moves a bit faster feeling you tensebup around him and he rides the waves of your orgasm, shaking from the exertion and ejecting his own purple cum just seconds after you. You both collapse from exhaustion and huddle close together in bed. He honks every few breaths, quietly and contentedly. You can't help but want him next to you for a long while, which he didn't mind one bit, so long as he'd be able to bring hisbsopor through the wormhole you had invoked in your room. Perfect you thought. And fell asleep in his arms as he honked happily and quietly next to you.

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