Broken Record| Dave x Reader

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You sigh, tapping your pencil on your desk. College sucked. You took music theory and now you were at a loss for what you wanted your newest song to be about.You groan in boredom as you stare at your clock. You asked Dave to come over and help but he was two hours late. You hear a knock at your door and walk downstairs to open it. Dave walks in and closes the door. "Hey! You don't just walk in!" You complain to deaf ears. He blankly stares at you through his shades. You continue on. "And what the hell is with you! You're two hours late! I've been upstairs with a mega bad writers block!" He covers your mouth and flat tones his voice. "And just what is your song gonna be about?" His slight Texan accent made your heart flutter and you don't know why. He smirks. "Lemme guess. Ya don't have one." You nod and he removes his hand. He walks upstairs to your room and you catch up just as he looks at what you have so far.
"Bodies beating as one,
A dirty tango on a lustful drum,
So many have lost as they felt like they've won,
But it will not matter once I taste the heaven's rum."
He sings it out loud and smirks. "Not bad." He states. "So your song's about sex?" You blush and nod. "He tsk tsk's and looks up at you. "Are you a virgin? " You feel your face heat up as you respond. "That's none of your business!" He chuckles, "you can't write about something you don't know." You stare at the floor and he gets up, throwing you onto your bed. You gasp in surprise. "Lemme help ya." He smirks again and takes off your pants and underwear, removing his clothes. "You shudder as he places himself at the edge of your soaking wet flower. He tears up your petals as you cry out. He disregards your pain and thrusts deeper, kissing your sweet spot on your neck as the pain quickly melts into pleasure. "Ahn~! D-dave!" You cry out as he shivers, holding his own cum back. That's a skill if I've ever seen one. You blush and he thrusts into you deeper, he toys with your G-spot with just the tip of his member. He finally can't stand it any longer and with several deep rocks into your shaking and twitching core, he feels your warmth spread across his length and down your leg. You blush a little as he smiles, pulling out and licking you clean. You sigh a little and he lays beside you.

~Flying Davesprite Time Skip~

    Your voice echoes melodically through the auditorium full of peers.

"...Shaken to the core,
I feel my mind begging for more.
As the whole world's spinning for me,
I'm just screaming 'tear me'.
Like a broken record... record... record...."

      The audience is silent as their red faces practically warm up the entire room. Half of then had been jacking off to your little song. Your teacher claps madly, oblivious to the sexual shock all of the students just went through. You look at the auditorium door to see a smirking Dave leaning against the door frame. He gives you a thumbs up and turns to leave. You stand there grinning like an idiot. I need to make him my muse more often. You think as one idiot in the back finally gets off. Awesome.

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